What this publication is all about?

Akshit Jain
Published in
1 min readFeb 16, 2019

In this blog I will document my journey and learnings of exploring knowledge graphs. Why knowledge graphs? I got introduced to knowledge graphs a year back, when I attended a talk by an esteemed prof. Partha Talukdar on Building Knowledgeable Machines. From that day I started reading literature survey and recent papers on various aspects of it (relation extraction, link prediction, GraphQL, open KGs …). Now that I have decided to approach this field more dedicatedly, I thought why not as well document it publicly, so someone else, as naive as me, can find resources on where to head. More ever looking for a selfish motive, I read somewhere when I was in college, that best way to learn something is to put a smiley ball in front of you and explain him everything you learn, in response that ball asks questions clarifying questions in-between about whys of whatever I am saying. This helps as a validation that I am convinced that I, indeed got the grasp of the concepts. Hope I don’t stop at this page and there are many more interesting articles to come.

