NEARStarter partners with Ref Finance, the prime DeFi dApp on NEAR

NEAR Starter
Published in
3 min readJan 5, 2023

Dear community,

NEARStarter is proud to enter a brand-new strategic partnership with the amazing Ref Finance, the first AMM and DEX on the NEAR Ecosystem!

Ref.Finance is the first primary DeFi application on the NEAR blockchain. It allows users to trade tokens using its Automated Market Maker exchange, stake LP token into farms, and provide liquidity to the system.

As a community-driven project, they are successfully establishing a DAO, allowing the community to drive the platform and manage the treasury. The project is supported by a growing community of people that aspire to ensure the NEAR Protocol ecosystem thrives.

In addition, Ref.Finance is launching a Discretized Liquidity AMM (DLAMM) with limit orders, allowing enthusiasts to enjoy a CEX-like trading experience with all the benefits of a DEX.

Discretized Liquidity AMM will provide the Ref.Finance community with high capital efficiency, Uni V3-style AMM at a fraction of the speed and cost, the ability to place limit orders without price constraints and near-zero slippage, and the advantages of limit order priority and a fair LP fee structure.

This couldn’t come at a better time, since the failure of certain CEXes and CeFi platforms has led crypto users to reevaluate their approach to the crypto world, highlighting the necessity for transparent and self-custodial Decentralized Exchanges.

Furthermore, developing a platform for both individuals and projects has the potential to generate significant demand and position itself as a leading player in the highly competitive blockchain market.

NEARStarter & Ref Finance partnership

With exceptional teams, community, and technology, NEARStarter is accelerating the finest and brightest projects in the NEAR ecosystem. When the time comes for their token launch, these projects will require a place with deep liquidity (secondary market liquidity) so that investors have the optimal experience possible.

Ref acknowledges NEARStarter’s rigorous due diligence procedure, which guarantees that only high-quality projects are launched and incubated there, and will collaborate so each incubated project has a pool in their DEX.

NEARStarter incubated projects will benefit tremendously from listing on Ref Finance, a user-friendly platform and premier NEAR DEX with the largest liquidity. The partnership will also enable projects developed in NEARStarter to engage in joint community-building and marketing initiatives with REF, which will benefit the NEAR ecosystem considerably.

The community will be able to participate in joint campaigns for educational and marketing purposes, allowing them to learn about the different Web3 use cases of the projects being incubated by NEARStarter as they go: web3 learning, wallets & infrastructure, DeFi primitives such as borrowing and lending protocols, and so on. Platforms like Twitter, Telegram, Discord, and Web3 natives like NearSocial or Learn Near Club will serve as the meeting points for these NEAR teams and users!

NEARStarter and Ref Finance are just getting started on their adventure. You can expect interesting stuff from this new collaboration, so be ready!

Keep an eye on our networks and stay tuned for additional news.

About Ref Finance

Ref Finance is a community-led, multi-purpose DeFi platform built on the NEAR Protocol. Ref Finance is an automated liquidity protocol and DEX inspired by Uniswap v2 and Curve Finance.

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About NEARStarter

NEARStarter is a DAO-governed incubator acting as the ultimate growth engine for the NEAR and Aurora ecosystem.

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