Welcome to NEARStarter, Ambassador!

NEAR Starter
Published in
4 min readMay 30, 2022

On community, and DAOs

Our community is the single most crucial element of NEARStarter, and in order to grow and thrive, we require quality connections and partnerships within the NEAR ecosystem. Our community has been earned through trust in our project and will be built upon even further by key ecosystem partners — such as yourself.

Forging new bonds, and raising awareness of NEARStarter’s incubation and launchpad services is something we believe is best handled through strong engagement strategies that involve rewarding the participants for their efforts. This is why we created the DAO Ambassador Group program — to reward and incentivize our valued supporters for growing and engaging our community.

This program is designed to promote both competition and cooperation between participating DAOs, certain goals will need to be completed quickly by only a single group — whilst others may have a shared goal, in which collaboration will be required.

It should be noted at this point that our definition of a DAO, is a group of addresses united under one shared vision or ideology — these addresses being either multi-sig signees or token holders of the DAO.

What does it mean to be a DAO Ambassador Group for NEARStarter?

Your DAO and its members will be primary participants, and loud voices in our community, every member doing their best to amplify the NEARStarter brand using any and all means available to them.

Please note, that only 10 spots will be initially available for DAOs through this program — anyone who does not quite fit the criteria for a DAO Ambassadorship, may well find our individual Ambassador program appealing; with many of the benefits interchangeable with DAO Ambassadors.

As a DAO Ambassador Group leader, you will receive a DAO NFT, representing the status and eligibility for Ambassador rewards for your DAO — your NFT, and therefore your DAO Ambassadorship will become active after participation in the NEARStarter private funding round. You and your DAO members will have many opportunities within the governance structure of NEARStarter, as well as involvement with new projects as we onboard them.

Ambassadors also have the opportunity to earn further rewards within the system for helping us engage and raise awareness of NEARStarter, through KPI-based token airdrops, and more targeted rewards. There are a plethora of benefits available to Ambassadors who hit, and maintain their KPIs — including, but not limited to:

  • Token airdrops by completing tasks for each new project on NEARStarter;
  • Numbered NFTs for members of the DAO (after one month);
  • Eligibility for a token allocation for all projects incubated on NEARStarter;
  • A NEARStarter contact to help direct and assist you in hitting your KPIs;
  • Admission to exclusive DAO Ambassador Group communication channels;
  • After three months of successfully hitting your KPI targets; you will have the chance to gain a spot in NEARStarter’s ‘Sector Synth’, allowing your DAO access to incubator governance, and private round allocations for all incubated projects.

What is required?

NEARStarter DAO Ambassador Groups will be required to maintain a strong level of participation in our community, amplify NEARStarter’s own social presence, and meet certain minimum KPIs in order to maintain their Ambassadorship.

For example — each DAO Ambassador Group might receive tasks before every IDO held on the NEARStarter platform, If the tasks are completed to a satisfactory standard, the DAO will receive an airdrop of tokens to the address that holds the DAO’s NFT.

The tasks provided will evolve based on the needs of each individual project, and how they see themselves being involved with their own communities. The broad goal of a DAO Ambassador Group is to raise the NEAR community’s awareness of NEARStarter, and support the projects coming through NEARStarter’s incubation pipeline — using your own platform/s and community to amplify NEARStarter and our IDO partners to the best of your ability.

Assurance for DAO Ambassador Groups

We understand that reputation, representation, and community image are imperative for our Ambassadors.

Our platform has a very strict Due Diligence process that must be completed by all projects we onboard. This ensures we only work with the best projects building on the NEAR Protocol, and our Ambassadors can be proud and confident in the projects they are highlighting to the public.

To apply for one of our DAO Ambassador Group positions, please fill out the form below and we will contact you to book a meeting.

👉👉 👉 👉 👉 👉 👉 Apply here 👈 👈 👈 👈 👈 👈 👈

In the meantime, stay tuned with us across our social media channels so you do not miss out on important updates.

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NEAR Starter

🍃New generation launchpad built on NEAR Protocol.