Debut of Proof of Memories + NEARCON 2022

NEAR Tasks
Published in
5 min readSep 23, 2022

The genesis collection of Proof of Memories has concluded alongside an electrifying NEARCON 2022 in Lisbon. NEARCON was a week full of palpable excitement and solidified expectations that NEAR will be the Layer 1 chain that hosts web3 apps that have a seamless web2 feel. Before we resume onboarding the masses to NEAR, let’s review how Proof of Memories did at NEARCON and take a look at the path forward for POM as a fan engagement tool.

Proof of Memories x NEARCON 2022

With just over 530 unique Memories taken, the POM gallery is a collection of NFTs displaying the incredible venue, teams at NEARCON and the immaculate NEAR vibes that filled the Lisbon air from September 11th to the 14th. We are ecstatic that the NEAR community embraced the concept and shared their great Memories on-chain with a Satori product!

The Concept

Our goal for NEARCON was to build a product that had the ability to activate the entire conference in a fun and engaging way. Building a lightweight app experience where anyone had the ability to experience the technology we built at Satori was something we shot for and Proof of Memories was our approach.

Proof of Memories was a POAP-like product that actually enhanced the IRL experience at NEARCon as opposed to the standard serialized digital asset which is now to be expected from crypto focused events. What initially was going to be a physical photo booth experience, we developed a web application to enable flexibility with how this product could be used. Take photos wherever, of whatever, and with whomever. Mint these photos as NFTs into your wallet and those of friends/colleagues, and then view a gallery of all the photos taken at the conference.

The mission was clear; build a product that allowed for community generated and owned content.The Proof of Memories at NEARCon 2022 NFT Collection would be owned by everyone that participated in the activation.

The Implementation

The integration of NFTs into Proof of Memories was just as important as the user experience.First impressions matter. An engaging hook when the app was opened, extremely clear user flow, seamless NFT minting integration and the added social element of sharing to twitter were all intentional decisions.

Users captured a photo, gave it a title, and minted it directly into their wallet and those of others if they chose. After minting their Memory, we shared on our Proof of Memories twitter account and they were given the option to automatically retweet or quote tweet to share their NFT with others. There was no need to login to wallets or transfer any funds to engage with Proof of Memories — the UX was intended to be a seamless display of our minting API.

While creating, minting and sharing were essential aspects of what we built, the core artifact of this experience was the Proof of Memories gallery page. This page represents minted NFT photos of those that participated in the activation and those that want to relive the moments of NEARCON and share the vibes for those in the NEAR community who were not able to make it to Lisbon.

The Proof of Memories app is not about ‘reinventing the wheel’ but allowing users to have a web2 interface that they are used to while getting rewarded through the rails of web3. Satori believes that the path to mass NEAR adoption will revolve around the ethos of making actions easy for users while quietly onboarding them into the wonderful world of web3. A Proof of Memories twitter account was created to automatically share Memories minted in real time with the #NEARCON and #ProofofMemories hashtags to enhance the network effect of NEARCON2022.

Memories as a Fan Experience

The incentive to mint and share Memories was purely to spread the joy of building and collaborating with the NEAR community. However, when looking into the future of Proof of Memories as a fan and event experience tool, we believe that the ability to reward wallets that have participated in minting Memories is a key tool unique to web3 that enables brand loyalty and trust building.

By combining natural social media actions with a web3 wallet, Proof of Memories is primed to deliver on a new blueprint for how brands can activate fans at events while seamlessly rewarding them.

Proof of Memories Next Steps?

We were thrilled by the reception we received from this experience. The team built something that people enjoyed and met our top line goal of building a product that had the ability to activate the entire conference in a fun and engaging way.

Proof of Memories was a successful campaign that not only garnered an additional 100k+ impressions for NEARCON 2022 on twitter, but exemplified that NFT-centric NEAR apps have a huge IRL usecase potential.

For now, Proof of Memories will live as an app that can be whitelabeled, repurposed or used again for any upcoming events. We have a few fun ideas up our sleeves at Satori that we cannot wait to share in upcoming announcements. Stay tuned for what is going to be an epic suite of apps that will bring in the next generation of web3 users!

If you missed Satori at NEARCON 2022: check out Erik Trautman and Jeff Bissinger’s presentations!

Stay updated on Twitter + Instagram

