Introducing NEAR Tasks: The Decentralized Gig-Economy Platform.

Built on the NEAR Blockchain Operating System (BOS).

Jeff Bissinger
NEAR Tasks
4 min readApr 26, 2023


The crypto space has gained more traction in recent years, but many people still feel that it’s an inaccessible and complex environment. The lack of understanding of how to earn and use crypto — and why it can be beneficial — has limited the growth of the overall ecosystem. To tackle this challenge, Satori is launching a new gig-economy platform called NEAR Tasks at Consensus 2023.

NEAR Tasks is built on NEAR’s Blockchain Operating System (BOS), making it a fully decentralized crypto-based earning experience. The platform allows anyone to earn $NEAR by completing simple tasks and is designed to empower creatives, remote workers, and current participants in the gig economy. NEAR Tasks opens up the world of crypto to everyone, making it easy to start earning anytime, anywhere.

At launch, NEAR Tasks will offer three unique experiences for Consensus attendees: Sharing something you learned (writing a “hot take”), tweeting a photo with specific tag(s) to connect with the NEAR ecosystem, and labeling generic images that can live on post-Consensus. Each task type is focused on a specific use case meant to demonstrate how flexible the platform can be when delivering work for various skill sets:

Hot Take: Data Aggregation and User Generated Content

People can share key takeaways learned at Consensus — interesting conversations or a particularly thought-provoking panel discussion. After the three day event, we will have produced a curated list of quality content from the conference that people found valuable.

Social Shoutout: Brand Awareness and User Generated Content

We are incentivizing people to take photos with the NEAR logo and to add specific tags to a tweet. This is normal behavior at events like Consensus, but we have created a system that incentivizes individuals to do this with a level of quality in order for them to earn a reward. The result here will drive increased brand awareness and showcase what is possible with various incentive structures.

Image Labeling: Data Validation

Users will be presented a random image to label in detail. The goal of this task is to demonstrate the power of decentralized data validation with images being a simple display. Again, the incentive structure where only correct tasks earn $NEAR, will result in only high quality work being rewarded.

After completing a task, Taskers will then be presented with the Task Feed which showcases all available task types and their associated requirements to complete, along with their rewards. Once a task is claimed and completed, the task must be verified as correct by another Tasker that picks it up for review. This is a self-governing system that rewards those that submit high-quality work and creates a system of quality control to ensure tasks are worked correctly. Additionally, to prevent spam and bad actors, Taskers must earn a minimum quality score to withdraw funds and will only earn $NEAR on tasks that are verified as correct. Taskers are effectively building up their digital ID and reputation that is not tied to just our platform.

NEAR Tasks provides a simple and easy way for anyone to start earning crypto without having to navigate the overwhelming complexity that is commonly associated with blockchain. This experience showcases a practical application of how the NEAR Protocol can operate at scale and be an onboarding mechanism for people into the Web3 space. Tasks hosted on this platform can be completed without recognizing these are blockchain transactions, and the user journey tracks all expectations of how to use a ‘normal’ application.

Following Consensus, the Satori team will focus on further testing NEAR Tasks and plans to collaborate with specific user groups to gather feedback before making the platform available to everyone. The team’s goal is to establish an interactive, two-sided marketplace where tasks encompassing a variety of skillsets are provided by companies (or anyone looking to have tasks completed), and Taskers are matched according to their proven abilities. The task suppliers can have certainty that they will have an outlet to capture high-quality work from a skilled community, and Taskers will have the opportunity to earn real money while also having access to financial tolls that further unlock the power of blockchain technology.

NEAR Tasks is for everyone, whether you’re a creative, a remote worker, or a curious individual simply interested in participating in a crypto-based gig-economy. Signing up is a straightforward process that leverages the new account creation product built by Pagoda where users can sign up using FaceID — or other built in security tools on their phone. As an added bonus, creating an account for NEAR Tasks also unlocks the Blockchain Operating System (BOS) as this account is interoperable across all the other applications within the NEAR ecosystem.

Check out NEAR Tasks today and join our waitlist to be one of the first to start earning $NEAR. If you are a business that would like to host tasks with us, drop us a note.

