NEAR Tasks at Consensus 2023: Redefining the future of the Gig Economy

Jeff Bissinger
NEAR Tasks
Published in
4 min readMay 4, 2023

Satori demoed NEAR Tasks at Consensus 2023. This platform is a two-sided marketplace designed to empower creatives, remote workers, and current participants in the gig economy to earn $NEAR by completing simple tasks, making it the perfect gateway for people to enter the world of crypto. Built on NEAR’s Blockchain Operating System (BOS), NEAR Tasks takes advantage of the innovation happening across the NEAR ecosystem and the future cross-chain world we are entering.

Our Product Manager, Jeff, holding down the booth at Consensus 2023.

As part of the demo, the team presented three unique task experiences to showcase the flexibility of the platform. These tasks required varying skill sets, demonstrating what type of work can be accomplished by builders and companies from tapping into the Tasker crowd.

Hot Take: Data Aggregation and User Generated Content

People can share key takeaways they learned at Consensus — interesting conversations or a particularly thought-provoking panel discussion. The result is a curated list of quality content from the conference that people found valuable.

Social Shoutout: Brand Awareness and User Generated Content

Incentivizing people to take photos with the NEAR logo and add specific tags to a tweet. This is normal behavior at events like Consensus, but with the incentivization system, individuals will do this with a level of quality in order for them to earn the reward. The result here would drive increased brand awareness and a high quality, targeted, social marketing play.

Image Labeling: Data Verification

Users will be presented a random image to label in detail. The goal of this task is to demonstrate the power of decentralized data verification with images to support AI. The incentive structure where only correct tasks earn $NEAR, will result in high quality work being rewarded.

Visual representation of each Task type demoed at Consensus 2023.

We demoed NEAR Tasks with two main goals in mind and the response was very positive.

  1. Demonstrate how Taskers can easily earn $NEAR by completing tasks that match their interests, while also building a strong digital reputation for their work.
  2. Show businesses how they can use our task framework to create custom tasks that suit their needs.

Out of all people who interacted with our demos, over 40% signed up for the waitlist which tells us the demo resonated with this audience. We also engaged with 15+ businesses that had immediate ideas for how they could use NEAR Tasks for their business today. Some of the core themes businesses see NEAR Tasks can solve for include: Community Building and Management, User Acquisition and Engagement, Content Creation, and Bug Bounties. Budgets indicated by businesses ranged from $500 to $100k which signals that this platform accommodates the needs of diverse business sizes.

The immediate recognition of the value on both sides of this market is a positive sign for the direction we plan to take with NEAR Tasks. It is clear we have unlocked a real need and have a viable solution that works for this two-sided market.

Moving forward, the Satori team plans to launch an intensive round of alpha and beta testing to implement some of the early feedback we received at Consensus and see how NEAR Tasks holds up with specific user groups. This testing phase will allow us to refine the platform and ensure that it meets the needs of a target user group before rolling out more broadly. For those that signed up to join our waitlist, we will be in touch as we kick off our testing rounds.

NEAR Tasks is a game-changer that unlocks the world of crypto for everyone. With its user-friendly platform, businesses can create tasks that fit their needs, and anyone can earn $NEAR by completing simple tasks. If you are interested in joining the beta test, sign up for the waitlist or if you are a business and see this as a tool you could leverage, fill out this form.

Stay tuned for more updates on the future of NEAR Tasks!

-The Satori Team

