The Creator Studio Beta Overview

NEAR Tasks
Published in
5 min readJul 7, 2022

At the end of 2021, a nimble Satori team set their sights on building an all-purpose suite of tools that allow anyone of any knowledge level to create NFT collections that serve communities and deepen relationships with web3 participants.

The first product we focused on is Creator Studio, a tool with the purpose of driving web3 adoption through ease of use from NFT creation to wallet creation. In this article we will go over the process of taking Creator Studio from inception to the hands of creators and how we plan on

From Self-Code to No-Code

The goal with Creator Studio was to break down the barriers to activate an audience at scale based on these 3 pillars:

  1. We remove the technical complexity with creating NFTs.
  2. Bring cost efficiency to creators, make NFT powered strategy attractive for their communities.
  3. Simplified the crypto onboarding experience for people to feel comfortable and many times not even realize they are leveraging Web3 technology.

With lofty expectations of bringing web3 to the masses through NFTs, our developer team has grown exponentially in the past year. We are always tweaking our products to improve the user experience and the potential creative possibilities with Satori.

The Inception

Creator studio was a by-product of listening to market demands. We realized how challenging it was for potential clients to theorize about NFT use cases. We began to create our own NFTs and share directly, but then realized anyone should be able to create these on their own. Easily.

We took our API, stripped the code away so anyone could take an idea and create their own NFTs and distribute them independently.



Our Beta activity was lively and featured a wide range of use cases, exhibiting the versatility of the NFTs being created with Creator Studio. We tested with over 20 users and generated over 250 minted NFTs, see some of the examples below👇

  1. NEAR Hacker House — Attendance Token
  2. NEARchan by Kagaya
  3. Satori Business Cards
  4. Certificate of participation
  5. Token gated metaverse event by Illtown Sluggaz
  6. Art — Photography by @0xDavila

BETA Feedback

The top of the line feedback we received during our lively Beta period are:

  1. 100% of testers enjoyed using Creator Studio. Our NFT claim process is seen as ‘next level’ and creators appreciated variety when it came to choosing a distribution strategy.
  2. Creators need guidance with completing the full creation flow and understanding what each step entails. Claimers expressed concerns with security of clicking a link.
  3. Our value prop is not front and center when people are getting started and there is no direct resource for them to reference that details Creator Studio’s capabilities.
  4. Creators need more flexibility when it comes to creating collections.

While we are extremely pleased that everyone has loved using Creator Studio, we acknowledge that in order for Creator Studio to reach a mass audience, the creation flow must be so easy that there are no 2nd thoughts from someone who has never created an NFT before.

We are implementing step-by-step instructions to the user experience, making sure that creators don’t get stranded at any point in the process of getting their NFTs out into the world. Creator support is paramount to Satori, as we want to encourage our users to push the envelope in their NFT experience. We built the Creator Studio landing page as a result of this feedback.

Satori is working to revamp claim links to look cleaner and appear more trustworthy. However, in evaluating this issue, we realized the entire NFT space could benefit from a universal security layer–something that Satori could potentially provide in the future. Finally, while there is debate over how much control an NFT deployer should have over the metadata once the NFT is minted–Satori is implementing contract updates that allow deployers of NFTs the ability to edit certain features of their collection soon. Check out Creator Studio for updates!

Biggest Challenge: Education

This technology is new and people are skeptical of all things crypto. Our role is to simplify the NFT creation and end user onboarding experience the best we can and showcase the potential this technology has. We have the responsibility to bring a level of security to what NFTs have the potential to do and to partner with all creators in their pivot into Web3.

Looking Forward

The future use cases of Creator Studio will be creators/community organizers pivoting their approach to Web3. Creator Studio will be a widely used tool across a vast demographic of users where we become the easiest minting provider and the default form of distribution of NFTs. We currently offer a premium experience for this entire process and our future roadmap will accelerate our capabilities and enable for even more flexibility for everyone to bring their communities into Web3. We are creating the most seamless product for non-technical people with Creator Studio and ultimately, our API will become stronger as we listen to user feedback and have tangible examples to share with larger enterprise clients.

Over time, communities will be onboarded through Creator Studio and the power of NFTs will come through network effects. Collaborations across communities will foster new relationships and bring value back to all contributors; creators and supporters will benefit from this new technology.

Imagine being paid to be a fan. We envision an interconnected web of value where anyone can benefit and everyone is incentivized. Currently this is a space dominated by creators and a select few, we are moving towards incentive based community engagement where everyone benefits and this is driven by NFTs where the barrier to entry is as close to zero as possible. We are building this with Creator Studio.

If you have a Satori BIG BRAIN NFT — we are giving away NEAR to get you started on your NFT ideas.

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