Are You An NFT Failure?

NEAR Protocol PH
NEAR Protocol Philippines
4 min readMay 23, 2022

Have you ever felt that you were a failure? Whether in the domain of your relationship, career or business, weight loss, projects, or anything, you may have felt that you are beyond hope. And so you now have a measure of fear of failure. And it runs in different aspects of your life. You feel that you don’t want to attempt something in which you failed before. You don’t even think about it. It became unthinkable on your part.

Failed NFT?

How about with your NFT project? Have you ever failed at launching a new series of collections? Or you may have thought about planning to promote your latest ideas with your NFT project, but it never materialized. You have not even started a single draft.

Failure is good

So what should you do in this regard? Should you just hold back from moving forward with your mission to inspire the world with your NFT art? Well, you can learn from this seemingly untrue statement: failure is good. What? Failure is good? How can that be, I mean failure is negative; it’s unpleasant; I had horrible memories of my failure back in my school years. How can failure be good?

Fail your way to success

Well, did you know that failure is the only way to success? Your perfectionistic tendency is killing your potential to achieve your greatest possibilities. And your fear of failure is preventing you from creating a great and fulfilling life. This fear of failure is the biggest blockade that holds people back from becoming the best version of themselves.

Fail Fast

There is a saying that if you want to succeed, fail big; fail fast; fail often. Yes, it’s the only way to victory. You cannot expect that you perfectly and smoothly achieve whatever you take on. And certainly, you cannot expect not to fail with such a long-term process with your NFT project. The bigger the project, the more failure is needed. Notice the word “needed”? Yes, failure is a necessity.


If you want to become a powerful and successful NFT artist, you need to reorient your perception of failure. This is because failure can teach you many valuable lessons to polish your art or reinvent yourself. It can help you grow further. Perfectionism is nonsense. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s a big limiting obstacle.

Fellow Failures

If you were to pick up a book on successful peoples’ biographies, you will learn that these were not perfectionists. These icons practiced, and practiced, and practiced some more. They struggled and struggled some more. They failed countless times. We usually overlook the number of failures that a successful person had. This is because we privilege the success and only the success. We have failed to remember the frustrations and disappointments that led to the person’s eventual victory.

Failure frequency

Therefore, is it reasonable to expect to fail 50 times? 100 times? Or even 1000 times? The thing is, you can fail several thousands of times. Even Thomas Edison, the inventor of the lightbulb, failed several thousands of times. He even made this classic statement, “I did not fail 7000 times, I have learned 7000 thousand ways NOT to make a light bulb.” Do you see the wise perspective here? Therefore, even if you have to fail thousands of times, it’s still worth it.

Feel Your Failure

How did you learn how to walk? How did you learn how to ride a bicycle? How did you successfully swim? How did you learn how to drive your motorcycle or car? Do you see the point? Did you not fail several times? If your mother had videotaped you learning how to walk, you would have counted countless times that you fell on your knees or your butt. Yet, you persisted. And now you benefit from knowing how to walk. Can you imagine if you had given up walking just after several hundreds of falling?

Professor Failure

Failure can also be a good teacher. It can teach you what not to do. But there is more: it can give you some kick in the butt for some motivational boost. Let us say that you are trying to lose weight, but you don’t take it seriously. Then you had a sudden pain in your chest. Your doctor tells you that you may worsen your chest pain and eventually have some heart operation that will cost you much resources and pain because of your lifestyle. Then you can be motivated to avoid that. Do you see how failure at taking care of your health now gave you some motivational boost?

Fail Forward

So the next time you fear that you might fail, please remember that no one achieved something great by giving in to his fear of failure. You may stumble many times, but you can make sure that you can stumble in the right direction. You can just get up, dust yourself off, and reengage again. That way you can fail your way to success.

Happy creating!

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NEAR Protocol PH
NEAR Protocol Philippines

NEAR is a decentralized application platform that is secure enough to manage high value assets like money or identity and performant enough to make them useful