Apollo42 x NEAR Protocol: Why NEAR is the best alternative for building Web3 projects?

NEAR Protocol
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2022

With many blockchain networks and applications coming in today, it’s becoming challenging to seek the most advanced tools that will help you bring out the best in Web3 projects. It’s true, there are a couple of options in the space, but it all boils down to what you choose as a foundation of your application. If you’re looking for a better network in terms of transaction fees, scalability, interoperability, and a multichain feature, you’re going to find NEAR Protocol as one of the best options to start your Web3 project.

Let’s see how Apollo42 — the newest NFT marketplace, finds NEAR as the best option for its platform.

What is NEAR?

NEAR Protocol is a layer-one blockchain with a primary purpose of solving the growing problem in the blockchain space — slow transaction rates, poor compatibility, and limited throughput. With the help of its unique features, such as scalability and interoperability, it assists developers in revolutionizing systems and developing useful decentralized apps.

Why Near Is A Good Alternative For Building Web3 Projects?

More often than not, the Internet is filled with incoming NFT projects built on either Ethereum or Solana. Ethereum has been one of the most robust blockchain networks that support many Web3 applications, DeFi, and blockchain gaming. However, it’s not the best option if you want to save fees and help your future community save money in the long run because of Ethereum’s high fees.

Due to many apps relying on Ethereum, the network faces more and more bottlenecks as we go along, with the recent issue caused by Yuga Lab’s sale of virtual land NFTs leading to the spike of gas fees and transactions that are beyond the limits of the network. Solana, on the other hand, is still far away from proving that it’s the Ethereum killer.

In recent months, NEAR Protocol has gained massive traction from the public, with incoming Web3 projects choosing it as a foundation of their NFT marketplaces. This includes Apollo42, an NFT marketplace where users can feel socially involved in the community. This platform offers to buy and sell NFTs, analyzing projects, socialization, and many more amazing features.

Thanks to NEAR’s simplicity, scalability, and interoperability, Apollo42 will become one of the most convenient gateways where NFT artists can launch their collections. Compared to Ethereum, with high gas fees, NEAR provides more affordable options for blockchain developers as it seeks to solve slow transactions, poor compatibility, and limited throughput.

Daniil, CEO of Apollo42, shares how the team is thrilled and excited to launch the Apollo42 NFT marketplace in the coming months. “We’ve been building a project that will make a big difference in the Web3 space. Near has been very supportive of our cause, and we may never find a better alternative blockchain solution to it. We’re excited to share to the public one of the most convenient NFT marketplaces with unique UI/UX and low transaction costs.”

For more information about Apollo42, you can visit their social media accounts:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/apollo42world

Telegram: https://t.me/apollo42world

Medium: https://medium.com/@apollo42world

Discord: https://discord.gg/ZUunqnBMBY

Don’t forget to join their community for more updates about Apollo42 products!



NEAR Protocol

Apollo42 is your journey to a new galaxy of digital cultures and collectibles. NFT marketplace on $NEAR and $AURORA.