Exploring the Fusion of NEAT Inscriptions and AI for an Open and Secure Future

NEAT inscription-near
NEAR Protocol
Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2024

The recent release of Sora has sparked a new wave of excitement in AI, prompting well-known figures like Elon Musk expressing their concerns about the future of AI and its impact on humanity. Concurrently, the fusion of blockchain and AI has emerged as a groundbreaking narrative in the crypto world. Visionaries such as Vitalik Buterin and the co-founders of NEAR Protocol have shared their insights on the potential and progress of Blockchain + AI applications. In this article, we delve into the integration of NEAT inscriptions with AI, exploring how it paves the way for an open and secure AI ecosystem.

Building a Foundation with NEAT Inscriptions

NEAT leverages the power of blockchain technology, specifically through inscriptions, to establish a solid foundation for an open AI ecosystem. By recording and storing crucial AI components, including AI data, parameters, algorithms, models and outputs, NEAT creates a comprehensive on-chain infrastructure. This closed loop encompasses the three fundamental pillars of AI: data, models, and computation.

Advantages of the NEAT and AI Integration

NEAT introduces the first inscription-based rollup network, which efficiently executes and interprets on-chain data. The indexers of NEAT can play a crucial role in organizing the vast amount of AI-related data stored on chain, providing a cost-effective solution for utilizing NEAR as a DA layer with full on-chain observability. This eliminates the need to deploy smart contracts on L1 and run validation logic, reducing transaction costs.

The integration of NEAT with AI offers numerous advantages. By immutably recording AI-related information on the blockchain, NEAT ensures transparency and traceability throughout the entire AI lifecycle. Furthermore, NEAT’s approach fosters collaboration and innovation by facilitating the sharing and exchange of AI components, thus accelerating advancements in the AI field.

“Inscriptions record transactions on top of existing L1, effectively getting sequencing and DA, and then execution is happening off-chain…. It can be useful for complex operations like order books, AI inference or anything else requiring complex off-chain calculations.” — Illia Polosukhin, Co-Founder of NEAR Protocol.

Envisioning Future Scenarios

NEAT’s integration with AI opens up exciting possibilities for various applications. For instance, it enables the creation of fully open-source AI intelligent gaming agents, where users actively participate in shaping the game’s storyline while preserving historical data and AI agent models on the blockchain. Additionally, NEAT allows for the development of meta-games and collaborative efforts with existing games like NEAR Land, enabling on-chain game editing and the creation of initial worlds for AI agents. The interactive AI agent training feature empowers users to train their AI characters through real-time interactions, resulting in personalized experiences. Moreover, NEAT facilitates the execution of AI agent programs for DAOs, enabling them to perform tasks such as deploying tokens or collecting data, all while ensuring transparency and accountability through inscribed records.


The fusion of NEAT inscriptions and AI represents a significant step towards building an open and secure AI ecosystem. By leveraging blockchain technology, NEAT ensures transparency, traceability, and user control throughout the AI lifecycle. Furthermore, NEAT’s decentralized governance approach safeguards against the concentration of power and encourages collaboration and innovation. As we embrace a future increasingly shaped by AI, NEAT’s pioneering efforts pave the way for a harmonious coexistence between humans and artificial intelligence. Stay tuned for further updates on NEAT’s progress and its transformative impact on the world of AI.

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