Unlock a Streamlined Interface for DeFi Opportunities on Mantle’s Layer 2 Network, Empowering the expansion of NEAR.

NEAR Protocol
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2023


At a Glance

  • Mantle Ecosystem Gateway is now live on NEAR’s Blockchain Operating System (BOS).
  • Streamlines access to top Mantle apps via a single interface, enhances user experience (UX) and project visibility.
  • Facilitates easy development and repurposing of components for Mantle dApps.
  • Amplifies the utility of NEAR (BOS) for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) projects, enhancing L2 discoverability and streamlining user onboarding.
  • Explore the Mantle BOS Gateway here.

Striving to further mainstream adoption, NEAR Foundation unveiled a strategic gateway for Ethereum’s Layer 2 Mantle network. The newly-launched Mantle Ecosystem Gateway promises to simplify the pathway for Mantle’s users and developers to find opportunities, interact with their favourite applications, and build groundbreaking projects.

Mantle, a Layer-2 scaling solution seamlessly integrated with Ethereum, has garnered significant developer interest since its mainnet launch in July 2023. As a network prioritising decentralised data availability, Mantle provides a secure, low-cost avenue for crafting novel Web3 dApps, particularly in the DeFi space.

This endeavour between NEAR and Mantle offers an interactive app dashboard — a unified portal to the burgeoning Mantle ecosystem. Hosted by renowned Mantle dApp, FusionX, the gateway aggregates top applications including Mantle Bridge, Agni, Ammos, iZiSwap, FusionX, Gamma, Lendle, and soon, Pendle. Developers and users alike gain simplified access, elevated discoverability, and heightened composability, thereby fast-tracking the journey to creating multi-chain experiences.

Arjun Kalsy, Head of Ecosystem at Mantle, remarked, “We are delighted to ally with NEAR in bringing leading Mantle dApps to a wider community through the Mantle Ecosystem Gateway on BOS. Through this effort, we look to provide even more support to our dev community, and allow for more cross-pollination in our respective Web3 communities.”

For projects keen on establishing their roots in Mantle, the new BOS gateway is a treasure trove. Overcoming user onboarding — one of the significant challenges for any Web3 pioneer — is now simplified. Developers can swiftly build a robust user base and gain immediate visibility within the ecosystem.

Illia Polosukhin, Co-Founder of NEAR , stated, “Mantle has seen some great traction since their launch and we’re very excited to have a Mantle gateway built on BOS. The Mantle gateway demonstrates the value of BOS gateways for other L2s and EVM projects looking to increase discoverability.”

Building on this momentum, NEAR recently launched another gateway focused on Polygon’s zkEVM, enhancing the scope for both developers and users in Layer 2 ecosystems.

Whether you’re a founder, developer, or user, NEAR’s BOS opens up new avenues for you. It’s not just built on NEAR; it’s realising the Open Web.

Written by @achildhoodhero
Original source provided by NEAR Foundation

About Mantle

Mantle’s first core product is Mantle Network, an L2 technology stack for scaling Ethereum. Mantle Ecosystem comprises an Ethereum layer 2 (L2), Mantle Network; a decentralised autonomous organization (DAO), Mantle Governance; one of the largest on-chain treasuries, Mantle Treasury; and an upcoming Ether (ETH) liquid staking product, Mantle LSD — all built on Ethereum.

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About NEAR (BOS)

NEAR is on a mission to onboard a billion users to the limitless possibilities of Web3 with the Blockchain Operating System (BOS). Leveraging its high-performance, carbon-neutral protocol, which is swift, secure, and scalable, NEAR offers a common layer for browsing and discovering the Open Web.

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