MyNearWallet X HAPI Integration

NEAR Protocol
Published in
4 min readAug 11, 2022

For many, market turbulence acts as a deterrent force that crushes visions and stomps on rosy dreams. For some however it’s an opportunity to show resilience to market uncertainty, readiness to keep on building and developing, and aspiration towards achieving far-reaching goals.

With this unnecessarily long prelude, HAPI Team is ecstatic to announce new and transformative integration into the MyNearWallet.

Key Points

  • HAPI & MyNearWallet partnership introduces a risk-scoring feature to the wallet
  • Risk-scoring means: users will get a notification if the address they are sending funds to might be considered malicious
  • There are several risk-score tiers: No risk, Low, medium, high and severe risk: more info here
  • NEAR blockchain is very much security-oriented, offering the unique key-rotating feature. HAPI and MyNearWallet work together on making the wallet up to the high standard set by the NEAR Protocol

HAPI & Security Standards

For HAPI, wallet integrations are one of the most convenient ways to penetrate DeFi space and establish a comprehensive security standard.

HAPI is already integrated in the number of wallets, both within as well as outside of the NEAR ecosystem. This enables those connected to HAPI to be: a) aware of the potential threat/asset laundering; b) submit a malicious address directly to the database letting everyone know about a threat. The most crucial advantage of having HAPI as a cybersecurity solution is the fact that HAPI is able to prevent, identify and notify users and projects alike.

With wallet integration users are able to see the risk a certain address can pose and notify about high risk addresses directly within the interface!

MyNearWallet Integration — How and Why

Challenges to solve & Aims to Achieve

  • Protection from fraudsters, malicious attackers and scammers
  • Building Community trust
  • NEAR newcomers onboarding & Ecosystem Growth
  • Balancing Security & Decentralization

HAPI & MNW solutions

MyNearWallet case is a great example of HAPI developing a comprehensive security standard from the point of view of a user, native Blockchain of the wallet, and decentralization. Let’s review each point:

  • User Benefit. Blockchain users are often unaware of the nature of an address they are about to interact with. This often leads to easily avoidable fraudulent incidents. With HAPI integration into the MyNearWallet, users will be notified via interface about the potential risk an address can pose by extracting data from our on-chain database as well as our data providers’ intelligence sources
  • Blockchain Benefit. The benefit for the Blockchain is evident — heightened security, fewer avoidable instances of negligence, and higher chances of actually acting on serious threats. This leads to more institutional adoption, higher user trust, and potential growth of the ecosystem
  • Decentralization Benefit. Unlike your run-of-the-mill Centralized Crypto Intelligence and AML providers, HAPI is the only solution of its kind that translates cybersecurity into a decentralized medium:
  • On-chain database
  • Smart Contract based operation
  • Governance and direct user involvement
  • Publicly accessible and easily viewable database

MyNearWallet and NEAR Blockchain’s Farsightedness

NEAR Protocol is one of the few foreseeing ecosystems that discern a direct benefit robust cybersecurity and decentralized AML solution can bring to both users and DeFi projects built on top of it. Now every user within the NEAR ecosystem will be able to:

  • Easily see malicious addresses and choose not to interact with them
  • Submit malicious addresses through Scamfari (
  • Check any addresses and ongoing case via HAPI on

NEAR Blockchain has allowed us to seamlessly integrate and deploy HAPI.

The MyNearWallet team has helped us tremendously in transforming the idea into reality. Being one of the most used, user-friendly wallets out there, MyNearWallet’s unswayed focus on users and their safety is deserving of the highest praise.

Why MyNearWallet

Some of the features of MyNearWallet that help it to stand out from the rest:

  • Account-based approach allows you to personalize your wallet address, simplify interaction with DApps, and put user experience at the forefront
  • Easy in-wallet staking mechanism
  • The web-based application eliminates the need to download unnecessary extensions and fiddle with phone or browser compatibility
  • The team keeps working on up-to-date crypto wallet security standards — and that is something that the HAPI team wants to support
  • MyNearWallet aims to become an all-in-one gate to the NEARverse, and together we want to make sure users’ experience is as secure as it is smooth and convenient.

MyNearWallet team inexhaustibly continues to develop and refine the experience of users based on the feedback and with every update MyNearWallet inches closer and closer to being the most adoption-ready wallet in the Blockchain space!

About HAPI

HAPI is an on-chain cybersecurity protocol with trustless oracles preventing hacker attacks.

Twitter | Website

About MyNEARWallet

NEAR wallet to store, buy, send and stake assets for DeFi.

Twitter | Website

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