NEAR Medium Handoff

4NTS Guild
NEAR Protocol
Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2021

Since the public launch of NEAR Mainnet in October 2020, the NEAR Foundation has emphasized decentralized governance and inclusivity as key pillars of the future development of the protocol. With the emergence of NEAR Guilds, new projects building in the Ecosystem, and a core group of highly active contributors, Team NEAR is empowering the community’s voice and reach by handing over the keys to the NEAR Medium account.

Going forward, the NEAR Medium Account will be co-owned by some key contributors of the NEAR Ecosystem Community (the inmates pretty much run the asylum around these parts anyway, so we might as well give them a voice too…JK!). As a tool for promoting the development of NEAR, the goal of opening access to NEAR’s Medium Account is to provide more frequent updates in an easy-to-find, centralized content channel, from all of the different perspectives that are working to shape the NEAR Ecosystem around the world.

Going forward you can expect to read a lot more original content on NEAR Medium that is going to span across different topics and series:

  • Humans of NEAR: An original content series looking at the experiences and motivations of NEAR Team members.
  • Technical Updates from the NEAR Core Team: On bug fixes and new developments.
  • Original Content from NEAR Guilds: Relating to work a specific Guild might be doing, special interviews, event summaries, and original research. Top of the list is set to include: 4NTS, GooGuild, and many more!
  • Project Updates from Around the Ecosystem: By founders and team members of other projects looking to explain and update the NEAR community on their progress building on top of NEAR.

Ultimately, the NEAR Team believes that the best way to open-source innovation across the NEAR ecosystem is to elevate and empower as many different teams of builders and Guilds as possible. The NEAR Medium will be the community’s voice. If interested in contributing to the NEAR Medium Community Channel please contact @ozymandius1 on Telegram or send an email to

