NEAT Inscription Protocol Now Activates Transfer Function

NEAT inscription-near
NEAR Protocol
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2023

NEAT, a revolutionary inscription protocol developed on NEAR Protocol, has recently enabled its Transfer function. This new feature supports the effortless transfer of any quantity of NEAT inscription tokens to any address on the NEAR blockchain, ensuring precise accuracy. As the first of its kind in the NEAR ecosystem, NEAT is built on the NRC-20 inscription token standard and quickly gained popularity across the community post-launch.

NEAT’s unique NRC-20 standard design significantly streamlines the transfer process compared to traditional inscription tokens like BRC-20 ($ORDI) or PRC-20 ($POLS), which typically require converting inscription tokens into an NFT-like format for transfers, a cumbersome and user-unfriendly process. NEAT, however, offers a transfer experience similar to existing fungible tokens, requiring only the quantity and wallet address for completion.

For instance, to transfer 1 $NEAT to alice.near (with NEAT’s 8-bit precision, so 1 $NEAT equals 100,000,000):

The transfer process is enabled at the same interface as Minting $NEAT. Just enter the number of $NEATs, the recipient’s address, click “Transfer”, and the transaction is completed.

More details at: NEAT Inscription Widget

Additionally, to enhance the experience for $NEAT holders, this upgrade improves the precision: previously, 1 inscription contained 100 million $NEAT with 0 precision; now, 1 inscription contains only 1 $NEAT, and with 8-bit precision. The total supply of $NEAT will also change from 42 trillion to 42 million.

More exciting updates are coming soon! Stay tuned.

