The Mask Network Partners with NEAR Protocol: A Joint Bounty Kicks Off A Long Partnership

4NTS Guild
NEAR Protocol
Published in
3 min readMar 16, 2021

The NEAR Team is excited to announce that NEAR Protocol has established a strategic partnership with the Mask Network. Moving forward, these two projects will cooperate between both of their base layer technologies as well as on the application front. The Rainbow Bridge, the NEAR EVM, NEAR Drop, and other key components are expected to be integrated when launched, in order to accelerate widespread adoption and engagement between NEAR Protocol and the Mask Network.

Initially, this cooperation will start with a joint bounty, allowing developers from communities to join forces and explore new opportunities at the intersection of these two protocols. More specifically, the first bounty will be to facilitate the integration of the NEAR Wallet into the Mask Network, thereby creating a solid foundation for future deployment of other NEAR based applications.

The NEAR Wallet is NEAR Protocol’s non-custodial web wallet, using local storage on the users computer to store private keys in an open file format. This design is meant to provide more wallet options, and makes it easier to expand the NEAR developer community, while also marketing the determination of NEAR Protocol and the Mask Network to support one another in creating a vibrant decentralized web and finance ecosystem.

The product idea of the Mask Network is a natural fit with the mission of NEAR Protocol: Both want to create a more free and open web, allowing users to control their own funds, data, and identity. In context of the development of the NEAR Ecosystem, this bounty is just the starting point of cooperation between the two projects. Both NEAR and the Mask have already planned a series of deeper integration projects and joint ventures that will be released to both communities over time. If you are interested in the Mask Network and NEAR Protocol, come join us!

The details of the Bounty can be checked in the link below:

About NEAR Protocol

NEAR exists to accelerate the world’s transition to open technologies by growing and enabling a community of developers and creators. NEAR is a decentralized application platform that secures high value assets like money and identity with the performance necessary to make them useful for everyday people, putting the power of Open Finance and the Open Web in their hands. NEAR’s unique account model allows developers to build secure apps that consumers can actually use similarly to today’s web apps, something which requires multiple second-layer add-ons on other blockchains.

About the Mask Network

The Mask Network is the core product of Dimension, which is positioned to become the bridge that connects internet users from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. The foundational technology of the Mask Network is a peer to peer encrypted messaging application, with new functions continuously being created around this foundation. We, at the Mask Network, are strong believers in the ownership economy. People should own what they produce, people should own their data, their attention and the virtual space they choose to contribute to.

The Mask Network integrates decentralized social messaging, borderless payment network, and decentralized file storage and sharing to provide a safe and convenient portal for users to jump right into the continent of decentralized finance and then the new world of Web 3.0.

