NEAR Protocol
5 min readSep 14, 2023


Zero Knowledge Proofs have landed on NEAR. The breakthrough privacy technology is being implemented by multiple projects within the NEAR ecosystem, helping create an extra layer of privacy while increasing scalability and security in equal measure.

While Zero Knowledge technology is complex and has historically been inaccessible to many developers, NEAR’s goal is to make these tools easy to use for developers of any skill level.

This piece will explore the Zero Knowledge ecosystem on NEAR and how you can get involved.

What are Zero Knowledge Proofs?

Zero Knowledge Proofs are protocols that allow data to be verified between two parties without having to share or connect any private information, like passwords with the other party.

By verifying the authenticity of information without revealing it, ZKPs can help enhance the privacy, security, and efficiency of digital systems. This is a huge step for blockchain and decentralised protocols like Near.

Zero-knowledge proofs can be used to verify an individual’s identity, protect sensitive information, prevent fraud and identity theft, and create a digital financial experience that puts the user in control of their data. .

Projects building Zero Knowledge capabilities on NEAR

There are lots of ZK projects being on NEAR. Here are a few examples.

  • ZK Light Client — The team at Zpoken is actively building a light client that will allow ZK interoperability between Near and other chains, in particular Ethereum. It will also allow ZK to work in browsers, meaning a user doesn’t have to download the entire blockchain, freeing them to work on devices with limited storage and/or processing power. This makes them ideal for a wide range of applications, such as accessing and managing on-chain assets, developing dApps, and providing a simple and friendly way for users to get started with the technology.
  • Hideyourcash — is a mixer that allows private transactions natively on NEAR. It uses ZK technology to generate a proof that is used to ensure that even if an attacker gains access to a hash value, they cannot use it to derive the original input data and compromise the privacy of the user. It also features an anti-money laundering system focused on preventing bad actors from using the service.
  • Positron ZK Bridge — Electron Labs has deployed a ZK bridge between Ethereum and NEAR. Using Aurora’s Rainbow bridge, it has added ZK compression of signatures, allowing transactions to remain private. This is currently live on testnet and the team plans on deploying it on mainnet in the near future.
  • ZeroPool — Active on testnet, this project, managed by ZeroPool, is designed to provide private transactions to the entire DeFi ecosystem using ZK technology.

Projects in the early stages of development

There are several projects actively being developed but haven’t quite made it to testnet yet, but illustrate the flourishing ZK ecosystem on NEAR:

  • ZkSocialDB — A tool allowing people with no previous experience of ZK to be able to write dApps, deploy contracts and take full advantage of the technology.
  • Email client utilising ZK technology — This project is creating a system whereby an email address can be used to send transfers and do contract calls.
  • A ZK SDK — A software development kit will provide developers with the building blocks to develop and create their own ZK applications for the NEAR Protocol. Once complete, the ZK SDK will include a compiler, code samples, code libraries, documentation and debuggers.

Why are they important for scalability?

While the Near blockchain has class leading compute and finality times on chain, the implementation of Zero Knowledge rollups will help increase the speed and capability of NEAR Protocol further.

It can do this by batching thousands of transactions into one single transaction, and then only publishing a single zero-knowledge proof validating the correctness of transactions on the underlying Layer-1 blockchain.

These proofs require far less space than the complete transaction data, helping relieve Layer-1 network congestion while creating a highly secure environment with high throughput and low transaction costs.

Zero Knowledge rollups also have fast finality, improving the user experience for both developers and users.

How to Get Involved

The application of zero-knowledge technology on NEAR is still in its early stages, but a vibrant and inclusive community is already emerging around the exciting technology.

Becoming a part of this community is straightforward. NEAR’s zero-knowledge community has a dedicated page on DevHub, serving as a central hub where developers from within and outside the community can stay updated on the latest project developments, upcoming events, and ongoing activities around zero-knowledge technology on NEAR. By joining the Telegram group, you can actively engage in ongoing discussions and even initiate new ones. Additionally, if you’re looking to contribute your ideas, intentions, or proposals, on an open forum, then the community’s activity page on DevHub is the ideal platform.

Additionally, staying connected with the various projects that are harnessing zero-knowledge technology could open up avenues for meaningful collaboration and contribution. NEAR’s ecosystem is already home to a range of intriguing ZK-based projects. The Electron Bridge by Electron Labs, is a private bridge solution for secure, cheaper and faster cross-chain transactions. Opact (formerly hideyourcash) offers private transaction solutions and can be further explored on GitHub. If you’re interested in ZK Light Client Research, Zpoken is a great starting point for you. These projects could potentially have opportunities for those eager to collaborate and contribute.


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