DePocket, The All-In-One Platform For Your Assets

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5 min readApr 5, 2022

The crypto ecosystem continues to grow rapidly with new blockchains, projects, and options for investment. Keeping up with the different portfolios and wallets you create for each one can be a hassle, a problem which DePocket was tailormade to solve.

DePocket is an integrated DeFi platform for conveniently managing, monitoring, and investing your assets and portfolios across multiple chains, platforms, and wallets. In this article, we will take a look at this one-stop solution for your portfolio management and talk about how it can facilitate your DeFi journey.

The Mission of DePocket

DeFi, GameFi, and NFTs continue to boom on over 100 Layer-1 and Layer-2 chains in the crypto ecosystem. The NEAR Protocol alone has around 106 DeFi projects and 129 NFT dApps (and counting), with Ethereum also in the hundreds. Having to log in and out of multiple dApps, platforms, and wallets can easily become stressful with constantly retrieving and using passphrases. Keeping track of all the changes across your multiple portfolios could also prove challenging and less instantaneous, which could be costly in the volatile world of crypto assets. Most importantly, repeated use of your passphrases, passwords and logins makes security less effective.

DePocket’s mission is to eliminate all the hassle by providing a single handy platform from which you can conveniently access and manage your multiple assets in real-time.

Value Proposition of DePocket

DePocket’s goal is to provide users with a highly comprehensive crypto portfolio & NFT management platform, anchored on great user experience and convenience.

“Our vision is to create the Defi world, so when Defi grows — DePocket will evolve.”

- Nabi Klover, CMO and Co-Founder

Beyond allowing you to manage and monitor your assets, DePocket also offers investment opportunities and a swapping solution, among other cool features.

Core Features

Asset Management

The multichain portfolio tracker is DePocket’s primary offering. Featuring a user-friendly dashboard, setting up your wallet connection is seamless and quick. You can track your asset by connecting your wallet or by connecting the address of a particular asset you’d like to monitor.

Assets can be fungible or non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Multi-chain and multi-address support

With DePocket, multiple browser windows and switching in-between wallets will be a thing of the past. You can connect wallets from different chains on DePocket, including NEAR, Ethereum, Binance, and Solana. In addition to having all of your portfolios and wallets in one place, DePocket allows you to have aggregated data of your assets like a Profit and Loss (PNL) when you connect the addresses instead of wallets.

Market updates & notifications

By operating on real-time data tracking, DePocket is able to provide live market data

from across multiple chains, thanks to a dedicated on-chain API powered by the platform’s native token. The platform also notifies you of live data like yield farms, APYs, APRs, and staking interests.


DePocket offers native earnings opportunities in DeFi through liquidity pools with very attractive APYS and APRs. Currently, on the Depocket platform, you can stake DEPO for a 10.92% APR to earn DEPO, or add liquidity to a DEPO/BUSD pool to earn DEPO at a 51.14% APR rate.


With access to over 2000 tokens, swap conveniently on DePocket, with quotes from 15+ sources for the best rates.

Native token

DePocket features a native token, DEPO. The token is used for:

  • Governance; by voting on proposed changes, updates, and new features for the platform on DePocket’s voting tool.
  • API access; Usage of Depocket’s on-chain API for developers to access data from DeFi protocols is paid for in DEPO.
  • Staking and Liquidity; DEPO can be staked and earned on DEX platforms.
  • Unlocking special features; DEPO allows you access to unique and premium utility features like the yield aggregator and more.


The DePocket roadmap promises a slew of nifty integrations and additions.


  • Support DeFi and NFT assets on ETH
  • More features based on community demands


  • Mobile version support


  • On-chain API for developers
  • More DeFi utilities such as Yield Aggregators or AutoSwap

Getting started with DePocket

  • Connecting to a wallet or asset address

On the DePocket dashboard, you can choose to connect the address of an asset (1) or a wallet.

To have a multichain experience, make sure all the supported chains are ticked.

  • With your wallet/asset address connected, you should be able to see your Net Worth, PNL, and assets
  • To see your connected wallets, click on All Wallets (1) or on the top right corner (2)
  • To stake on the platform, click Earning on the menu.
  • To swap tokens, select Exchange, connect your wallet/asset and proceed.

As DeFi and your portfolios continue to diversify across chains and dApps, DePocket’s usage will become vital for easy and convenient management of your assets. As part of its growth, the platform recently confirmed a partnership with the NEAR Protocol, which will see it integrate as many NEAR dApps as possible, so that NEAR wallet users can seamlessly access and manage their assets across multiple solutions on the chain.

At this rate and with its vision, DePocket is well on its way to being one of the most essential utility platforms in the crypto ecosystem.

About DePocket

“DePocket is a one-stop-shop solution for the vast and endlessly expanding world of crypto & NFTs. We are aiming to become a place where investors with diversified portfolios can come and manage their assets across multiple chains, wallets, and platforms.”

  • Nabi Klover, DePocket Co-founder

Make sure you don’t miss the exciting new integrations and news surrounding DePocket by joining their community on Telegram or following on Twitter.




I am a storyteller. Eternal learner. Nearverse.