First step in the NEARWEEK DAO journey

4 min readAug 16, 2021


tl;dr: This is our first step towards becoming a DAO. We’re changing the way contributors submit news links to NEARWEEK. To get this started each news contribution is now rewarded with 0.5 $NEAR and should be submitted via NEARWEEK’s DAO on AstroDAO — Please read the step-by-step guide on how to submit. We’re looking at improving this process, making it more user-friendly.

NEARWEEK: Your weekly dose of community sourced news from the #NEARverse!

Tipping action from NEARWEEK Telegram

NEARWEEK has delivered weekly community sourced news from the NEARverse since April 2021 via our NEARWEEK Telegram channel. What initially started as a one-man hobby project by P3ter, has now turned into a very active community. It’s been a great ride so far, and we are very grateful for all the support and contributions we have received, thank you all! 🙏

Our purpose with NEARWEEK is really to create a self serving ecosystem where people are rewarded in a decentralized and scalable manner for contributing to the whole process of collecting, curating & distributing community sourced news within the NEAR ecosystem and beyond. We believe that we should as fast as possible enable NEARWEEK to become a decentralized news media platform driven and owned by a dynamic community, where profit is fairly distributed based on contributions. We anticipate that this involves a number of steps in order to make the transition fully. Today we are taking the first step on this journey!

Let’s just DAO it!

Starting from today we will enable news link submissions to be submitted via the NEARWEEK DAO using AstroDAO. We believe this includes the following roles & steps in the NEARWEEK crowdsourcing process:

  1. Sponsor funds goes into weekly NEARWEEK rewards pool.
  2. Contributors submit links via an AstroDAO proposal.
  3. Curators review and approve links, approved links goes into NEARWEEK newsletter.
  4. Editors set up the newsletter, website and push the button.

Step-by-step guide: how to submit links via AstroDAO

First of all news included in NEARWEEK needs to be fresh, meaning from the latest week in the NEARverse. For every news link contribution that get’s accepted to NEARWEEK via the AstroDAO you are rewarded with 0.5 $NEAR.

How to contribute via the DAO:

  1. First you need a NEAR wallet / account.
  2. Then head over to NEARWEEK’s NEWS DAO on Astro.
  3. Click the “GREEN +”,CREATE PROPOSAL” button and proposal type “PROPOSE a TRANSFER”

4. Enter your NEAR wallet address in the “TARGET” box

5. “Description” should include: A tagline describing the news and label of category (DeFi, infrastructure, guilds, DAOs etc)

6. Please remember to: Paste the link to the news in the hyperlink box and enter 0.5 $NEAR in the “Amount” box

7. Hit PROPOSE! — Please note that 1 $NEAR is deposited pr. request. The deposit will always be returned. It does not depend on whether the proposal is confirmed or rejected.

Payout proposals are reviewed twice a week by curators. All links that are approved will be part of the next edition and are rewarded with an immediate payout from the DAO.

Want to get involved in NEARWEEK?
Join us on this journey. Together we shall spread the NEARverse far and wide and work towards a fully decentralised news/media entity!! We are actively looking for people to help us design custom features to decentralize and automate this process further. Reach out here if you are interested in helping out.

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