I Dare You - Create The Life You Want

Nothing worth having comes easy. But if you are willing to work for it, anything is possible!

Creative Kat
Entrepreneurial Inspiration
5 min readAug 8, 2013


In my 4th year of university, I was told that I couldn’t major in marketing. When I asked why, they said there were a few courses that brought down my average. When I looked at the courses they were talking about, I quickly realized they had nothing to do with marketing. Unfortunately, that didn’t make a difference to the university. In their eyes, I did not meet the qualifications, there was no exception that could be made, and I was unable to select a major. Sorry Mom and Dad!

The good news, is that I didn’t give a shit what the university thought. I knew what I was passionate about, and I knew when I left school, I would be pursuing this passion regardless of what my diploma said. And that is exactly what I did!

When I got out, I looked for the best ad agency to work for in the city. I focused every ounce of energy in my body trying to get hired. I busted my ass, did my homework, and eventually landed a job working for that company. It was at that point, I realized that anything in this world is possible if you put your mind to it.

After learning the ins and outs of agency life, I decided to push my passion a step further. I quit my job with the idea that I could open up my own ad agency, work for myself, and build the company culture that truly fit with my values . I didn’t know exactly how I was going to do it, but I knew I didn’t have to see the entire staircase to take the first step.

And so, that is exactly what I am doing now. I have been running my own operation (Creative Kat Marketing) for about 6 months. I’m not even close to where I want to be. But, each month I get better and better. I am continuously learning and evolving. My passions are growing and my happiness is at an all time high. I have a dedicated team of people who I contract the creative work out to and I keep pushing for more and more business. I still have a long road ahead, but that’s OK, because I know I’m capable of accomplishing whatever I set my mind to.

We can do anything we want to in this life if we are just willing to work for it. Here are a few things I’ve come to learn that have helped with my success so far.

Make hay while the sun shines
Quit your complaining! Too often people complain about things like their job, relationship, the amount of money they make, having bad luck, having no time, not having the body they want, etc. If you’re unhappy, remember that this is the life you’re choosing to live. I realize that everyone is born into different circumstances, some more favorable than others. But even those born into the worst possible situations are able to overcome challenges and create a life they want.

Stop with the excuses. Start searching for the opportunities that surround you and make hay while the sun shines!

Take the shot!
Most people have things they want to accomplish in their lifetime that they never seem to get around to doing. From what I can gather, this happens for two reasons. First, it might seem too hard. Second, they’re afraid they’ll try and then fail. Unfortunately, living this way will lead to all kinds of regrets later on in life.

Here is my advice. Take the freaking shot! It’s the only chance the ball has of going in the net. If you want something, don’t sit back and watch it pass by because you are too afraid of what will happen or what others might think of you. Oftentimes, our failures lead to our successes anyways. Seriously, reach out and grab whatever it is that you want. What is the worst possible thing that could happen from trying? Is it really that bad?

Tip: If you fail, act like it doesn’t matter. If you succeed, act like you knew you would!

Focus on the CAN, not the CAN’T
Never say I can’t. Even if you are unsure about how to accomplish something or it seems impossible at the time. I can guarantee there is someone in this world that knows how. There is ALWAYS a way! Based on my experience, most times, if you’re willing to reach out to people and ask the right questions, you’ll be sure to find the answers.

For situations where the possibility of something happening is out of your control, I’ve learned that there is no point focusing on what you can’t do. It wastes time and energy. The world doesn’t become a better place by creating problems. Try looking at every situation with solutions in mind.

Choose your own adventure!
Remember the “choose your own adventure” books from back in the day? Flip to page 65 to find the sword of destiny or turn to page 43 if you want to rescue the princess. That’s how I feel life should be lived. Find your passions, pick whatever adventure you want, and live a long and fulfilling life.

We live in a world where we can create absolutely any future we want. It has never been easier to just go out and do the things we are passionate about. If there is something you want to create, something you want to achieve, a way of life you’re dreaming of…I dare you to just go out and do it!

Charlie Connely is founder of Creative Kat Marketing Solutions. You can find out more at creativekat.ca or follow him on Twitter: @thecreativekat.



Creative Kat
Entrepreneurial Inspiration

An advertising and communications company that believes in integrity, reliability and creativity www.creativekat.ca @thecreativekat