How to Conserve Water like a Pro

The Nebia Blog
Published in
6 min readNov 1, 2017

Water is one of the earth’s most precious natural resources, and we interact with it in many ways throughout the day. From that first cup o’ Joe that kick-starts our morning to the last relaxing shower of the day, water is truly a fundamental part of our daily lives. It’s essential for each of us to do our part to help preserve this natural resource for future generations to enjoy. Unfortunately our supply of clean water is limited, but luckily there are many simple life hacks we can embrace to help conserve what we have.

Here are a few things you can try incorporating into your routine to level up your water-saving game:

Level 1. Shower vs. Bath

The average shower lasts around 10-minutes and uses 25 gallons of water, but filling a bathtub takes an average of 35 gallons. A quick way to reduce your water footprint is to only indulge in fewer baths per month. But when you decide you deserve a relaxing soak, go all out! Unwind and pamper yourself. For instance, try using bath salts and essential oils or relaxing music. This is a well-deserved treat, not an everyday occurrence.

Level 2. Clockstopper

How much time you actually spend in the shower might surprise you. First, be real. Set a timer to see how long you normally spend in the shower. Once you have a benchmark, you can set a new time goal and see how effective you can be at reaching it while still getting squeaky clean. Although shaving off a few minutes here and there may not seem like it will help that much, it adds up over the weeks, months, and years.

Level 3. Wash Fido Outside

Dogs love to run, play, slobber, and roll in everything they find. Thus, sometimes our lovable sidekicks need a little help sprucing up to look their best. Instead of washing the pup inside, take them outside for their weekly, biweekly, or daily cleaning. It’s called multitasking 😎. You end up watering the yard at the same time and the water you use goes through the natural water cycle instead of an energy-intensive industrial reclamation process.

Level 4. Stay Vigilant

Keep an eye on your monthly water bill to spot potential leaks. If you notice sudden jump it could indicate you may have leaky pipes, which is bad both for your wallet and your walls. No one likes leaky pipes. Give your local plumbing pro a call for a quick plumbing health check.

Level 5. Half Empty or half full?

Dishwashers use on average 6 gallons of water per cycle and washing machines can use between 15 to 45 gallons for one load, depending on the type. Front-load washing machines use significantly less water than top-load machines. In either case, you can save a lot of water if you run large appliances sparingly, by waiting until they are completely full.

Level 6. Lights Out

Make a conscious effort to use less electricity, since power plants use hundreds of thousands of gallons of water to stay cool. It’s as simple as making sure you’re not leaving the lights, heat, or AC on when you don’t need to. Adding a smart thermostat and smart lights to your home will not only make you into the tech-savvy user your smartphone deserves, but you’ll also end up saving some cold hard cash each month.

Level 7. Upgrade your Setup

We all have that one neighbor who drives an old clunker/eco-unfriendly gas guzzler down the road every day. Don’t get me wrong, I love old cars, and the classics are the classics. But some cars need a little TLC to be up to current emission standards. Don’t let this happen on the inside of your home. Upgrading your household shower(s), taps, and appliances to efficient fixtures will not only save a lot of water, it will also save you quite a lot off your water and energy bills.

Level 8. The Eco-Friendly Consumer

Many well-known companies are taking intentional steps towards a more sustainable future. Large brands are revamping the way they source and manufacture their products, setting higher waste reduction standards, and scrutinizing their daily operations for inefficiencies. These conscientious actions promote sustainable production and drastically reduce the amount of water needed to make products. From the foods we eat to the clothes we wear, it is up to us to as consumers to choose products that have a more positive impact on the environment we live in. The benefits are better quality products for us and our families, as well as a cleaner environment for everyone across the world.

Level 9. On and Off

Another way you can use far less water is by turning off sinks when you don’t absolutely need the water. This can be the bathroom sink while brushing your teeth or shaving, or the kitchen sink when washing dishes. For every minute the water runs, about 2.2 gallons of potential drinking water go down the drain. This one is not hard to do but it does take a conscious effort to remember this simple water savings trick.

Level 10. Take a Navy shower

TEN-HUT! This is all about saving water. Get in, get clean, and get out. Saving water is what a Navy style shower is all about. Start by stepping in before turning the water on. Use a bucket to collect the cold water while you’re waiting for the temperature to be just right. Then once the shower heats up, step under it and get wet. Next, turn off the water. Now it’s lathering time. Once you’re all suds-ed up, turn the water back on, quickly wash off and voila, you’re done. A typical Navy shower often takes 3 minutes and uses less than 3 gallons total. This is a whole new level of water savings commitment that only few can achieve, good luck.

Bonus level. The more, the merrier!

This age-old expression boils down one simple idea; keeping good company makes every experience better. For most this may be taboo, but one way to save water is to use the buddy system… #ShowerParty or#TMI… you decide.

All in all, you don’t need to go to extremes. Every bit of effort helps take a step in the right direction. If we all pitch in and do our part, our small contributions collectively add up to something significant. Oh and be sure to have a little fun with the tips above while finding what works for you.

Give something new a try, set a goal, and stick with it!



The Nebia Blog

Your shower should be amazing, every day. We re-invent the way people experience water, and try to leave the planet in a better place.