Neblio X Antimatter | Strategic Partnership

Neblio Blog
Published in
2 min readDec 6, 2022

Today we are excited to announce a partnership between Antimatter and Neblio.

Antimatter is a hub for decentralized on-chain financial products, such as DeFi derivatives and financial NFTs. Antimatter B2 is a low-gas BNB sidechain that facilitates Antimatter DApps. Being community-driven, innovative and simple forms the core of Antimatter.

Neblio made a strategic investment in Antimatter and will support Antimatter with its services. The collaboration will help Neblio build DeFi ecosystems. Antimatter Labs has experience in creating products like DEX and on-chain structured products and derivatives. For example BULL&BEAR, a permissionless protocol to tokenize Perpetual Options or Antimatter Invest, a DApp built to offer its users various compact, easy-to-use and simple Structured Products in DeFi.

With this partnership, Neblio and Antimatter Finance are combining forces to create the most innovative and secure blockchain solutions available. By leveraging the cutting-edge technology and expertise of both companies, the solutions they create will revolutionize the way businesses use blockchain technology. We believe that exchanging valuable knowledge about blockchain platforms can truly move both projects in the right direction.

Accompany us on our journey, we keep building!

About Neblio

Neblio is a distributed, high performance blockchain platform built for Enterprise & Industry 4.0 applications and services. Neblio makes blockchain simple.

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About Antimatter

Antimatter is a hub for decentralized on-chain financial products, such as DeFi derivatives and financial NFTs. Antimatter B2 is a low-gas BNB sidechain that facilitates Antimatter DApps. Being community-driven, innovative and simple forms the core of Antimatter.

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