National Health Service, on Elixir and Kubernetes

Andrew Dryga
Nebo #15
Published in
11 min readAug 3, 2017

By this post, I want to share a second awesome project that we built on Elixir, React.js+Redux.js and Kubernetes — eHealth for National Health Service of Ukraine. It was born as one of the major steps in reforms that occurring in our healthcare and would affect each single person in the country.

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There are lots of space for features and improvements though. And it is completely open sourced under Apache license (1, 2).

This article is close to original implementation but contains features that planned to be delivered in upcoming production releases. Also, I can miss some changes, It is not possible to remember all of them forever.

The goals section reveals things how do I see them, this is not an official position of a development team or the project office.

Project goals

Ukraine is moving in direction of digitalization of all its services, we are trying to rely on technology and transparency, which should make corruption hard. All other options are constantly failing, our country is struggling with it.

One of steps in this area is a medical reform that is starting in our country. At my opinion, we really need a better way to manage tax payers money — legacy process that was we acquired from USSR is not efficient and does not oppose corruption.

How it works right now?

Each clinic has its own region (list of postal codes) that is responsible for and submits an annual report on the number of people that have residence address that matches this region. For each thousand of patients, it receives some money from the healthcare budget that could be used to pay salaries to the medical personnel.

To change residence people need to do lots of paper work (literally spend up to few days) and almost always own an apartment in a city where he or she wants to live. For most of the people I know, residence address doesn’t match their actual address. Because of this, reports are extremely inaccurate.

Also, they can be faked by adding “dead souls” (not really existing people), on a country scale it is extremely hard and expensive to find out that this happened. We do not have a centralized citizens database, and only inconsistent parts split across many separate government services. We do not even know the actual number of residents in the country! I know that people are working on this problem, but this task will take years to be accomplished.

Some clinics would even refuse to accept residents from other country regions, even when they actually live nearby for years.

Patient data is another painful part for most of the people, it is stored in a paper form with handwritten notes within the clinic of residence.

Paper receipts are creating large space for corruption for pharmaceutical companies and drug stores — they can bribe doctors to give prescriptions with a certain brand and suggest to buy them in a specific drug store. After drug purchase the receipt can be thrown away, leaving no evidence of a crime.

How is it going to work?

Each patient can see a list of all doctors and clinics in a country on an official website, come to the chosen place and sign a digital declaration—three parties agreement between doctor, patient and the National Health Service of Ukraine. An OTP code which is sent to a patient phone or a full scan copy of all his documents is required to authorize signature from a patient side.

After signing the declaration medical service provider (MSP) can take care of his patient and receive medical reimbursement on a monthly basis. If a patient is not happy with the quality of service — he is free to sign a new declaration with any other MSP, the old one would terminate so money will “follow the patient”.

In theory, it will create true market conditions between medical service providers and increase a quality of service. Doctors would try to have many patients under their care. They would know each other for longer periods of time, which creates an additional positive impact on a patient health.

Private clinics with higher costs are also free to enter reform and reduce their prices by receiving part of the money from the government. All they need—sign an agreement and use software that is integrated with NHS API.

Patient data must be securely stored in a centralized database and available only for an authorized by a patient medical personnel.

Prescriptions should be digitalized so that it would be easy to apply data science to find and fight fraud. They would allow patient to get some medicine for free, National Health Service compensates it’s cost to the drug store.

Summary for the requirements and additional context

  1. Start using digital documents instead of papers;
  2. Create new processes for medical reimbursement;
  3. Improve trust in relationship between citizens and government by introducing transparency on all steps of development and operations, from open sourced code to the public, depersonalized reports for medical reimbursements on top of immutable data;
  4. From the year 2018 must be used by all doctors that aimed by reform, by law;
  5. Provide space for innovation and open market relations for a third party medical information system providers. API for them should be easy to use and does not dictate what system to build on top of it;
  6. Resource limits for the first release: 4 months, ~10 developers, few analysts and a few business guys. Also, the project office (which was a customer for us) helped us during all development;
  7. Aim on security — sensitive data must be encrypted, fake-prone and accessible only for authorized users;
  8. High regulations. Eventually, all data must be stored in a certified data centers on the territory of Ukraine. And we will need to pass extremely complicated compliance process.

Breaking up the requirements

Drone® view of the architecture

Integration Layer (IL)

This is one of our architecture patterns that were extracted during P2P marketplace development. It’s nice to have a single component that is responsible for all businesses logic and uses all other microservices and SaaS API’s to archive its goals.

It stores temporary data for a create or update requests. Eg. when you want to change password—we will send you an email and the reset code would be stored in the database that belongs to IL. But since the data have an explicit TTL, it could be truncated on a daily basis.

Master Patient Index (MPI)

Key responsibilities:

  1. Securely store patient personal data;
  2. Provide API that allows to find a patient without disclosing sensitive fields and to fetch all data when patient MPI ID is known;
  3. Merge records that were duplicated due to human errors.

This component allows to perform a search query over a patients data, but it returns an error when too many results are matching search criteria; returns an additional question when there are just a few matches and MPI ID when only one record is matched.

Simplified description of an MPI search query

In future, we could even give a few fake options to catch people that are surfing database without practical reasons.

Record linkage is be done by fetching all new records and matching them against rest of the database with coefficients applied to each field. In result, we are getting a probability that both records are matching a single actual patient. Duplicates are deactivated and a pointer to the parent record is added. Due to this, all other systems should expect to receive parent entity even when they are fetching record by MPI ID.

There are many sophisticated approaches that must be considered in future: rolling hash functions, stemming string before comparing their values and even some machine learning techniques.

Why it’s separated in a microservice? From day one we planned handoff this component to a separate government division that takes care of citizens data. And it is easier to build a separate security perimeter around it, rather than applying same requirements to all other components.

Partner Relationship Management (PRM)

Key responsibilities:

  1. Store legal entities, their personnel and all sorts of related data;
  2. Provide a CRUD abstraction on top of it with some additional constraints.
PRM entity relationship diagram (full size)

You can notice that we are using Class Table Inheritance on objects in PRM to deal with dynamic schemas with variable attributes. We know that new entities are on they way and made sure that we can extend them by simply adding new tables.

Lately, we started to discuss to merging all this stuff to the integration layer, since there are no practical benefits or running them separately.

Operations (OPS)

Key responsibilities:

  1. Store declarations, receipts and other large-volume operational data with a high level of trust;
  2. Provide this data for capitation reports generation;
  3. Focus on IO performance.

We decided to start with PostgreSQL which is easier to integrate because of battle-tested Ecto adapter and move to other storage that horizontal scales for writes in future.

To archive required level of trust, we plan to add a blockchain-alike approach to the way we store data.

Media Content Storage (MCS)

Key responsibility: securely store uploaded documents.

Implementation details are described in a separate article.


Key responsibility: build a monthly capitation reports for NHS.

To separate production workloads from reporting, it runs on a replicated database. Data ingress is done with pglogical, which allows performing streaming replication only for specific fields from specific tables in different databases.

An additional benefit of this approach is that we can run reports and analysis on a depersonalized data, reducing security requirements for this component.

The data is fetched from a database with and sent to the Gandalf decision engine (yet another open source project we did in past) to apply grouping rules that may be changed over time.

Reports are sent to the public Google Cloud Storage bucket.

Deployment, CI and so on

All this stuff runs on a Google Container Engine (a hosted Kubernetes cluster) with plans to migrate to Ukrainian DC that provides cloud on top of OpenStack.

For production we are using two clusters — back-end and front-end, this allows to apply a hard constraint on communication patterns between them. Front-end should not be able to access private API’s directly, without authentication. Kubernetes has a NetworkPolicy to solve it, but it became available on alpha GKE clusters only two weeks ago.


Deployment configuration is stored in a private repo, each branch corresponds to a separate environment (we have 4 of them: dev, demo, pre-production, production) and engineers are editing pod description, push changes to that repo and run kubectl apply -f my_pod.yamlafterward.

I’ve built several bash helpers to simplify routine operations — connecting to the pod or a database, creating and restoring backups or even connecting to the Erlang node with Observer. You can take look at them in here.

Eventually, the team started to complain that this seems too complicated — there were issues when you simply forget to change some environment variables. And pod descriptions started to vary from environment to environment, so automatic merging does not work anymore.

To address this issue our DevOps is working on replacing yaml configuration with a Helm charts so that we could store everything in a single branch and review files side-by-side.

Production secrets are encrypted with git-crypt.

All environment-related configuration is done via environment variables. (Business configuration is stored in a separate integration layer table.)


To test and build containers we use Travis-CI, it’s pipeline looks like this:

  1. Bump version (each change in master is a separate version);
  2. Run ExUnit tests;
  3. Run ExCoveralls and submit the report to the Coveralls;
  4. Run dogma and credo;
  5. Build a container, wait and run a sanity check for it to make sure there were no errors that lead to instant crashes;
  6. Create a git and container tags with appropriate version and push them to upstream.


We use DataDog for monitoring with a basic Kubernetes integration and periodic SQL queries to the databases for business-related metrics.


We use pghoard that creates a base-backup every 6 hours and WAL logs archives that are received through a PostgreSQL stream replication protocol. Everything is encrypted and persisted to the Google Cloud Storage.

Lessons learned

Pay attention to the volumes that exposed in a Dockerfile’s

We had an issue where all data in a database were lost on a pod restart even through a persistent volume was attached to it.

By double checking pod and rest of configuration, I wasn’t able to find anything that looked suspicious. Even more — all files in a folder where PV is attached were persisted, only PGDATA directory was erased on each start.

This made me think that there are some bugs in our docker entrypoint script, but it exactly matched similar script from an official image, except the part that is responsible for backups and does not delete anything.

Digging deeper I’ve noticed that the official image, which we switched to about a week before an incident, exposes a volume under default PGDATA directory. We are attaching PV one level above it so that we can replace PGDATA with another one restored from a backup.

I’ve rebuilt our image by copying the official Dockerfile and removing the line that exposed the volume. The problem has disappeared. This was the right trail even though Google wasn’t able to give an instant answer why it happened.

When Docker container starts it looks for volumes must be mounted. When there is volume exposed by the Dockerfile and not used by Kubernetes, it mounts it to an empty directory on the host. This is a feature that allows Docker to make sure that containers that run together with a Docker Compose would persist all data without any additional configuration.

Handling upstream errors in integration layer

There is a simple approach that would allow you to reply most of the requests without side-effects — use HTTP PUT verb and make sure it is idempotent (creates or updates entities completely) on the upstream services.

How to sell Elixir?

At my opinion, first things the customer is looking for—trust, which is derived from the expertise of the team members, proven track record and ability to take right decisions. In the technology side of sale expect that customer may worry about vendor lock on technologies that are planned to be used in a project.

Elixir is not a silver bullet and it does not fit any project, but when you sure it really fits customers needs — tell them more why it is so great and what would be the main benefits of using it in this particular project.

Avoid doing so by listing language properties from the official web site. Eg. availability is one of the core properties that are required by most of the people that are looking for development teams irrespective to the technology stack.

It is a great idea to provide references on the projects that already use Elixir, when they in the same domain — it’s even better. That’s why I’m writing this articles, now you have few additional references.

Tell about development velocity that it allows to archive, which reduces both cost and the time to market.

And add some emotional context, do you really enjoy Elixir? Be passionate, in a good way.

I was extremely happy to hear from the project office technology lead this words:

It’s not the technology stack what brings vendor lock.


I want to thank everybody who participated in this development — our team, project office, sponsors and people from the Government that are supporting reforms. All this would be definitely not possible without you. I wish all of us a good journey and even more interesting accomplishments in the future.



Andrew Dryga
Nebo #15

Entrepreneur and a Full-Stack Engineer. Nebo #15 founder.