How did women of Rwanda have set up a tablet-based Pop-Up Call Center

Malgorzata Mleczko
3 min readMar 5, 2018


In the previous blog post, we’ve introduced 100WEEKS, an inspiring Dutch non-profit organization helping women in Africa to get out of extreme poverty. We’re excited to inform that the project, thoroughly planned by 100WEEKS, has officially started! We (Nebu) are supporting this amazing social responsible initiative by providing 100Weeks with Nebu Dub InterViewer to facilitate the data collection processes. It is great to see how they been able to use Nebu’s tool to the reality of the challenging African environment!

100WEEKS together with the local fieldwork team have set-up a tablet-based Pop-Up call center and are proceeding with the first interviews! The local program manager Fabrice (on the right) together with four interviewers (from left to right: Maureen, Lucie, Benign, Maliza) are calling women regularly to hear how they are doing and to collect data thereon.

Data collection is an important part of the project as Johannes (in the middle of the picture in the front of Jeroen, 100WEEKS’ co-founder) needs to measure the impact of the program on the lives of 100 women taking part in the project.

We will soon inform you about the next project that starts in Ghana, supported by the Chocolonely Foundation. This West African country experiences a lot of poverty. Many people working in the cocoa sector, are underpaid. A quarter of the population lives below the poverty line, having no more than € 3.20 per day. 100WEEKS focuses in particular on helping widows and single women who live and work in rural areas. Without their own piece of land — for example, to grow cocoa — they are vulnerable. With the money, these women will receive via 100WEEKS, their perspective and chances of developing a better life raises. For example, they can invest in their business or buy land. They can redecorate their home and their children can go to school. As a result, they become mentally stronger, they may break the vicious circle of poverty.

Women taking part in 100WEEKS’ projects get unconditional cash and training in financial literacy and basic entrepreneurial skills. See yourself how they manage to move out of extreme poverty in 100WEEKS.


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