Latest Version of AI Worker

Published in
1 min readDec 12, 2018

We are proud to announce the latest version of the AI Worker installation package, ai-worker-ubuntu-v0.0.1.

What’s New

  • We’ve added task script running traceback in the execution log
  • Performance tested for AI worker network connection

Already Installed a Previous version

NOTE: Only applicable for workers who have already installed ai-worker-ubuntu-v0.0.1.

NOTE: If you have not installed any worker client before, you may skip this notice and proceed to install latest version according to our instructions.

Step 1

Back up your worker id and private key in /ai-worker-ubuntu-v0.0.1/config/setup.ini

Step 2

Download latest ai-worker installation package from our Github, manually unzip by Archive Manager.

Step 3

Replace config/setup.ini with the one you have backed up.

Step 4

Open terminal and re-install according to instructions on our website.

NOTE: Your credit deposit in previous ledger group will be maintained.
Please submit refund request for assistance.

For any questions feel free to ask on our Telegram community




Nebula AI is a Montreal based decentralized blockchain platform integrated with Artificial intelligence and sharing economics.