Monthly Report of April

Published in
4 min readMay 7, 2019

[Updated May 13, 2019]


  • Added Reward details to the uncle block in our blockchain browser to provide more detailed information.
Reward Details in Uncle Block
  • Developed and deployed Ledger dashboard for each ledger to better monitor the reward, tasks and AI workers.
Ledger Dashboard
  • Upgraded Orion API to improve the user experience and performance.
  • Fixed link in our blockchain browser


Open Source Codes

In the end of April, we released several open source code, including AI worker version 1.0, NBAI blockchain and node, blockchain browser, Orion Convertor. A set of AI testing models were also released for testing the usability and compatibility of Orion cloud platform.

We’ve been collecting and using feedbacks to continually improve the performance of the platform.

Keras: A popular deep learning framework written in Python. It takes the built in MNIST dataset for training handwritten digit recognition.
Mnist: A computer vision dataset widely used for training and testing in the field of machine learning.We use the MNIST dataset to train the generator and discriminator for GAN.
Word2Vec: One of the most popular technique to learn word embeddings using shallow neural network, a sample script for testing AI Worker, also a default script offered when you sign up as an AI User.
Orion-translator: This is a testing code base on Pytorch framework. The model trains a neural network to translate from French to English.
KMeans: One of the most classic algorithms in data mining. This code aims to find the 66 optimized fire stations locations based on the fire intervention data.
Orion-image-encoder-decoder: Using CF-10 image dataset to train encoder and decoder for reducing image noises.

You can read more details in our blog post

Charles April China Trip

CEO, Charles Cao went to China for a two-week business trip in early April.

We would like to share some of the exciting news that he brought back:

• Collaboration with a well-known AI education company in Hong Kong, possibly open a Hong Kong office in the near future.
• Set up Ledger for our long-time business partner, Minerhub. They will provide us valuable feedback on the performance of Ledger, looking forward to further cooperation.
• Signed a contract with a company in Shenzhen, help them upgrade AI models in electric power industry.
• Collaboration with a long-time business partner for a new cryptocurrency exchange,

AI Worker 2.0.1 Video Tutorial

In April we published an updated video tutorial of AI worker 2.0.1. We demonstrate how to install and setup the latest AI worker.
Watch the AI Worker 2.0.1 on Youtube

April AMA Session

We had our first AMA of 2019 on April 19. CEO, Charles Cao gave updates regarding his trip to China, progress updates, announcing Open sourcing parts of code and much more.
Watch the AMA on Youtube

New Link for NBAI Foundation

Integration of NBAI foundation content to the new link was finished in April. You can now find all content related to the NBAI foundation at

Token Swap Ending Soon

We would like to kindly remind anyone with ERC-20 NBAI to perform the swap before May 15, 2019 without any fees.

Please use our swap website to start the process

Refer to our instruction guide if you need any help:

Note that after May 15, 2019 (11:59PM EST) nothing will happen to your ERC-20 NBAI tokens, however when you do perform the token swap you will have to pay fees.

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Nebula AI is a Montreal based decentralized blockchain platform integrated with Artificial intelligence and sharing economics.