NBAI Withdrawal from Top.One Before March 25th, 2019

Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2019

NBAI token holders on Top.One exchange will need to withdraw their NBAI tokens before 10PM EST on March 25th, 2019.

Be sure that once you have withdrawn to swap your ERC20 NBAI tokens to Mainnet NBAI coins. You will have to swap ERC20 tokens before May 15th 2019.

Swap website
You will need to have an NBAI wallet to receive mainnet NBAI coins.

Do not know how to withdraw from Top.One? Please follow the instructions below on how to withdraw your NBAI tokens.


STEP 1 — Go to Top.One exchange website and proceed to login to your account.

STEP 2 — Click “Funds” drop down menu and select “My Assets”. Select the NBAI token and click withdrawals button on the right.

STEP 3 — You will need to input the Amount, Label, Address before clicking “Next” to proceed.

STEP 4 — In “Withdrawal verification” section, click “Send” to receive a verification code. Enter the Email code, SMS verification, and Google Two-Factor Authenticator. Then click “Confirm

You have successfully completed the withdrawal process.


STEP 1 — To check your withdrawal status, click “Funds” drop down menu, select “Transaction History

STEP 2 — Select “Withdrawal History” tab to view the status

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