Nebula AI Weekly Update — January 25

Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2019

Technical Updates

・The team is collecting and processing all feedbacks from Orion mainnet.

・Optimizing security and stability of the platform and the customer experience.

・Implementing multiple user payment method for the Orion cloud platform.

・Continue development and implementation of the NBFS cloud storage system.

・Implementation of new features for AI Worker package.

・Support multiple languages on Browser

・Optimized and improved user experience on Browser

・Top accounts now on Browser

・Integrate SSO to Orion and payment gateway.

AI Worker Package Update

This week on January 23, we released an updated AI worker package. This latest release update includes:

・Automatically verify port listening status.

・Add worker ID, task ID in script execution log.

・Re-define hardware and installed software information for benchmarking

・Add interruption handling in case of worker forced exit.

You can download the package on our Github

Workers with previous version may contact us for a credit refund. We recommend you to download our latest version v1.1.1.

AI Worker Instruction update

Along with the latest AI Package release, we updated our AI worker instruction guide. You can find the latest instructions on the Orion website or our post on Medium.

New Features for AI Users.

New features has been added for AI users. Platform users can now add their credit card as a payment method.

You can add your credit card information by going to your profile page, select the payment method tab and click “Add a card”. Input your credit card information and click “Add credit card”. Once your card has been added you can use either NBAI credits or your credit card to pay for tasks

Please note: We will change $0.01 to your card for verification.

Users can view more details in regards to worker information while a task is in process (in Dispatch step). You can also view worker information and task information, such as start and end of a task, in “Task History” page.




Nebula AI is a Montreal based decentralized blockchain platform integrated with Artificial intelligence and sharing economics.