New Features for Platform User

Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2019

Recently the Nebula AI development team has implemented new features to Orion Cloud platform user page. Platform users can now add their credit card as payment method to pay for AI computing.

You will need to log into your AI user account. If you do not have an account on the Orion Cloud Platform. You can register on the Platform user page.


STEP 1. Once you have logged in, click “My Profile” in the sidebar. On your profile page click the “Payment Method” tab.

STEP 2. On the “Payment Method” tab, click “add a card” button.

STEP 3. Fill all required fields with your valid information. You can set this as your default card if desired. Click “add credit card” once you are done.

NOTE: As a verification step, A 0.01$ will be charged on your card.


STEP 1. First click “Create Task” in the sidebar. Define your worker by selecting from the Ledger list, your choice service type, price will be defined according to the service type you have selected. Once you are done, click “Next”.

A pop-up will appear, input how many hours you wish to reserve for your task.

STEP 2. Verify your order summary. Scroll down and select your payment method.

Select “Pay by NBAI” to pay with NBAI credits. If you do not have enough funds, click “deposit to wallet” you will have a pop-up, you can send NBAI coins to that address to add funds.

Select “Pay by Credit Card” to pay with your card. Make sure you have saved your credit card information in your profile to enable this tab.

Click “Pay” once you have selected your payment method.

Proceed to completing the Task creation process.


Once your task is assigned to a worker, you can view information regarding the worker that has been selected for your task.

Platform users can also see worker information for past tasks.

STEP 1. Click “Task History” in the sidebar. Expand the arrow under details.

STEP 2. View all details regarding task information and worker information.

What is a Platform User?

Platform user serve as computing resource requester, who submits AI scripts and training dataset through the platform user dashboard and reserve instance for task execution. Orion Platform matches users’ AI computing device and relevant requirements during task-launching step, to deliver consistent performance for AI training and has been successfully applied to a variety of intelligent models.

You can become a platform user by registering on Orion Cloud platform.

You can follow our instructional video.




Nebula AI is a Montreal based decentralized blockchain platform integrated with Artificial intelligence and sharing economics.