The Light

I don’t need you. I like you.

Nebula by day
6 min readFeb 23, 2022


Photo by timelockz from Pexels

There was a light. That light was everywhere and no space existed where this light wasn’t present. There was no place that wasn’t this light. Everything that ever was, WAS this light.

So for this light, there was no left or right. Everywhere it looked, it saw itself. If it went left, it saw itself. If it went right, it saw itself. If it looked back in time, it saw itself. If it looked in the future, it saw itself.

Because this light was everywhere and nothing existed that wasn’t this light, this light was EVERYTHING. But to this light, there were no things, because those things WERE the light. The light never saw things as 'things’, because it saw things as itself.

This light seemed to remain quiet and still, because, where would you move if you were already at the place you were moving towards? It would look like you remained still. And who would hear you if the receiver of your words could only be you yourself?

Another Light

Everything that ever happened, happened inside this light. Since everything could — and did — happen, there also happened to be a part of the light that didn’t look like the light. That was part of the deal: if everything could be present in that light, the opposite of that light could also be present.

It was inevitable. That small part of the light didn’t feel like it was part of the whole. It felt separate. Even though this small part was inside the whole, it looked AT the whole and interacted with the whole.

If the whole was the sun, this part felt like a ray of sunlight. If the whole was the ocean, this part felt like a wave. It KNEW it was part of the whole, but also felt its separation at the same time. It felt like a ray of sunlight coming from the sun and moving away from it. But the sun knew better: the ray never left the sun. It just felt like it did so it could roam free without going anywhere.

The ray and the sun were one, yet interacted together.

Where Am I?

The ray asked the sun: “Where am I?”

“You are here with me”, answered the sun.

“Then why does it feel like I am over here and you are over there?”

“Because, through you, I can feel like I’m not everywhere. I can feel the sensation of something being outside of me. I can feel the desire to reach for something. I can feel the longing for a place. I can feel ‘distance’. I can feel separation. I can feel frustration and pain. I can feel.”

“Am I just a tool for you to feel?”

“No, you’re not just a tool for me. You ARE me. I feel everything you feel.”

“Why would you go through all of this? Some of these things really don’t feel good.”

“I don’t discriminate between feeling good or bad. Everything is equally valuable to me.”

“Well, then why do I feel that I don’t like some of those things? Especially the things that feel bad.”

“Because, through you, I can resist those things. I get to find those things ‘bad’. I get to like some things and dislike other things. There are things that we will hate. There will be things we will love.”


“How long has this been going on?”

“Forever”, answered the sun.

“But I am born and my light will extinguish. I don’t feel like forever.” Said the ray.

“You will feel like it. But you were never apart from me and you will never separate from me. Even though you will feel like extinguishing at some point, I will never feel that.”

“And I am you, so I will feel both extinguishing and never having been extinguished. You will only feel like never having been extinguished.”

“I am you, so I will also feel both things. Since this has happened forever and I am not bound to time, this is always happening. Since I am not bound to time, you could also say this is NEVER happening.”

“This is confusing”, said the ray of sunlight.

“I made you like that. It is confusing.”

“Why am I bound to time?”

“Through you, I feel a thing called time. I feel the limitation of being between two moments. Through you, I feel ‘urgency’ or I get to ponder timelessness. I get to focus on one thing at a time. For me, everything happens all at once.”

“Do you know how annoying time can feel?”

“I know.”

“Am I timeless too?”

“You are.”

“How come my feeling-bound-to-time feels more real than being timeless?”

“Because I wanted it to feel real. All these experiences are supposed to feel real. I wanted all your experiences — which are my experiences — to feel real. If I had given you both the experience of timelessness and time together, you would have seen time as not-real, and I would have not felt time.”

“If I am moving through a certain time, which has a beginning and an end, when is that happening in your timelessness?” Asked the ray.

“All the time”, replied the sun. “There is not a moment that this is not happening.”

“That’s a long time.”

“Don’t imagine timelessness as time without a beginning or end. Don’t imagine it as an infinitely large amount of time that passed before you and will pass after you. There simply is no time. If you would like to compare timelessness to your time, imagine your time as a line and timelessness as a dot. Your experience of time moves along the line. Inside the dot, time doesn’t move. There is no time there.”

“I can imagine it and daydream about timelessness. Even though it’s fun to daydream and ponder about it, it can also still be confusing.”

“As I intended it.”


“So what can I do now?” Asked the ray.

“There is nothing to do. This was all I intended. You are here and that’s all there was to do. Anything you do from now on is extra.”

“What is the right thing to do?”

“What you would like.”

“What if I make mistakes?”

“I am you. Do you think there are mistakes?”

“There might be consequences”, said the ray, nervous.

“Then feel those consequences. Those can be big feelings.” Answered the sun.

“That’s scary.”

“It will be scary. And the scary feeling is supposed to feel real. It is supposed to feel like you don’t know what to do. It is supposed to feel like you are making bad decisions. But know that this is happening while you are with me. You might not always feel like you are with me, but you will know deep down that you are me.”

“How will I know?”

“Because you ARE always with me. You ARE me. Even while you might feel separate, something inside you will know that you are not. That deep knowing is not a knowing with your mind. It’s not something you ‘think’ or a point you will logically arrive at. It’s just the reality of you and me never having left each other. That’s a bigger truth than all the things you, and I, feel. Our being one will outshine every illusion of separation. Our being one, and your ‘deep knowing’ of it, will always be the foundation upon which things are appearing to happen.”

The ray of sun lit up and was comforted. Indeed it knew deep inside that it wasn’t separate. It was always the sun, appearing as a ray of light.

It asked the sun: “You could feel all those things anyway right?”

“Yes, as I am feeling all those things right now, through you.”

“But it seems like you don’t need me in order to feel and experience all those things?”

“I don’t”, replied the sun. “But I like you.”



Nebula by day

I have some stories in me that I need to tell. Mostly fiction & poetry.