The Winner — part 4

Nebula by day
Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2020

(This is part 4. Click here for other parts:

David heard Janice’s high heels behind him in the hallway. It was at the end of the fourth day with Elijah in the show and David had just opened the door to his suite when he heard the steps. He knew it was Janice because the steps were slow and deliberate. Almost as if she was dancing. Her long legs and high heels made steps that sounded like music.

Janice enjoyed walking around in her studio and never seemed to be in a hurry. She didn’t walk like she had to be somewhere. Every step felt like she arrived exactly where she needed to be. She walked the same way she sat on a couch: completely at rest without a sense of rush and taking in what was happening around her.

Most people found her peacefulness frightening. They couldn’t imagine how someone could be so calm under this kind of pressure. Nobody ever heard her raise her voice. She talked slowly and very softly. In every other place outside this studio, her composure would seem like a weakness. In a world that requires every person to stand out and make themselves clear. But in the midst of this hectic environment, her composure was seen as a power.

In the early days of his career in the studio, David would be intimidated by the approaching calm steps. But by now he knew Janice long enough to not perceive her presence as a threat. Still, he knew a reprimand was about to come. Still holding on to his key in the door he let his head down. Taking a deep breath he got ready for a conversation he knew was about to come and turned towards the approaching Janice.

Janice smiled as she walked towards David. It made David feel a bit more comfortable but still apprehensive. “David. Are you tired?” asked a concerned Janice. “Not more than usual, Janice” answered David, “our new contestant is something else”.

“Does that bother you?” asked Janice.

“Why would you think that?” asked a suspicious David.

Janice answered directly: “Your body language David. The audience doesn’t notice it.”

“But you do, Janice” admitted David, “I will not let it get to me. It will not compromise my dedication to the show.”

“It will not”, reinforced Janice still very calmly.

“I will suppress any personal challenges I have,” said David, looking for reassurance from Janice.

“You’re not on this show to try to hide your emotions, David. You are on this show to not have them.” Janice was more serious now. “Those luxuries are for contestants. You are the show host. We expect a performance from you too.”

A conflicted David looked outside and then gazed at the floor. He knew deep inside he had to get a better performance out of himself. At this point, he just didn’t know how. He didn’t want to disappoint Janice but most of all he didn’t want to disappoint himself.

Janice saw David’s struggle and knew she had to push him over the edge. “Remember you came to us, David. We didn’t approach you for this. We saw your determination and ambition. We made you the show host. This is what you asked us and this is everything you wanted. Now you’re looking at Elijah who is getting everything he wanted. What is Elijah doing so well that you can’t?”

The words were harsh. Deliberately. David's self-doubt again turned into anger. Too afraid to express his anger in front of Janice, he took a deep breath. Clearly visible and stirred he knew Janice was pushing him to his limits. He wasn’t sure if the real source of his struggle was Elijah or Janice. Janice was too powerful to be accused of David’s internal turmoil so he could only aim his anger towards Elijah.

Years ago David approached the studio for an important role. He always knew he had to have a place in the spotlights. His whole life revolved around taking the stage and leaving a lasting impression. Up until now, there were no challenges he couldn’t face. Janice saw this quality in David and trusted he could lead the show towards success. In David, she saw a leader. Someone to put some weight on the Elijahs of this world. Someone to push against people who see themselves as winners. Janice needed someone who wasn’t comfortable sharing the spotlight. She knew David — in his heart of hearts — would not be able to tolerate an Elijah on his level. David needed the hearts of people. He needed all the admiration he could get to be seen as charismatic and powerful. But now, here was Elijah. The first obstacle that David could not overcome. It was eating David and Janice needed David to be in this conflicting, raging state. She needed David imperfect and struggling.

Janice knew she had David where she needed him and her job for today was successful. She put a hand on his shoulder and reinforced her message: “Your emotions. We chose you because you wouldn’t have them. Find a way to lose them or they will work in favor of Elijah. You wouldn’t want to give everything away to Elijah, right?”

Janice walked away leaving David on a mission to hold back Elijah. Back in her suite she looked over the city and took another sip of her whisky. She did what she had to do to David and now she had to work on Elijah. She felt Elijah was reaching the end of his motivation to earn more and wanted to leave the show. But Janice didn’t want Elijah to leave. Leave with her money. Leave as a winner.


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Nebula by day

I have some stories in me that I need to tell. Mostly fiction & poetry.