Announcing the NAS Token Swap via NAS nano v2.2.0

Published in
4 min readSep 25, 2018

The Nebulas team is pleased to announce the beginning of the Mainnet NAS token swap via the Nebulas official mobile wallet-NAS nano v2.2.0. The Mainnet NAS coin is the only native coin on the Nebulas Mainnet. It is necessary to swap ERC-20 NAS tokens to Mainnet NAS coins before users can develop and interact with DApps, initiate transactions, pay transaction fees and much more on the Nebulas Mainnet. All ERC-20 NAS token holders can complete the token swap via NAS nano which supports both iOS and Android. To complete the swap, NAS nano must be upgraded to v2.2.0. Please complete the token swap within the allotted time listed below.

Token Swap Tool:

The Nebulas official mobile wallet-NAS nano v 2.2.0 ( supports iOS or Android)


All ERC-20 NAS token holders

Tips: How to tell the difference between ERC-20 NAS token and Mainnet NAS coin?
· The Ethereum wallet address of ERC-20 NAS token starts with “0x” and will need to be swapped to native Mainnet NAS coin.
· The wallet address of Mainnet NAS coin starts with “n1” and do not need to be swapped.

Token Swap Exchange Rate:

1 ERC-20 NAS token=1 Mainnet NAS coin

Token Swap Time:

1 Self-Service Token Swap Period

Sept 26, 2018 — Oct 10, 2018 (16:00, UTC+8)

ERC-20 NAS token holders can swap tokens via the “NAS ERC-20
Swap” button in NAS nano (v2.2.0). During this period, the token swap will be completed within 72 hours.

2 The End of Self-Service Token Swap, Abnormal Situation Collection Period

Oct 10 (16:00, UTC+8), 2018 — Oct 30, 2018 (16:00,

If you still hold ERC-20 NAS tokens that have not yet been swapped, you can submit the token swap application via the token swap button in NAS
nano (v2.2.0). During this period, users CANNOT complete token swap automatically on their own. Due to this, the Nebulas team will review and process the token swap applications for this period.

3 Deadline for All Submission of Token Swap via NAS nano

October 30 (16:00, UTC+8), 2018

4 Abnormal Situation Processing Period

Oct 30 (16:00, UTC+8), 2018 — Oct 30, 2018 (16:00,

The Nebulas team will process all submissions of the token swap collected during the Abnormal Situation Collection Period.

Please note that: After Oct 30, 2018 (16:00, UTC+8), ERC-20 NAS token holders cannot swap NAS token via Nebulas official channel. Please submit all your token swap application before this time.

Token Swap Methods:

Method 1. Token Swap via NAS nano Wallet

Step 1: Download the official Nebulas mobile wallet-NAS nano (v2.2.0) via official links listed below or from the official website (

NAS nano (v2.2.0) for Android: APK or Google Play.
NAS nano (v2.2.0) for iOS

Step 2: Submit token swap application via NAS nano

  1. Select or create a Mainnet NAS wallet in NAS nano (New users will need to create a new Mainnet NAS wallet and back it up);
  2. Transfer your ERC-20 NAS tokens and gas fees to the specified receiving address created in the wallet;
  3. Click the token swap button to begin the swap procedure.

For a detailed guide, please refer to:
Guide on NAS Token Swap via NAS nano Wallet

Step 3: Check the status of the Mainnet NAS coin swap

Token swap submissions received from Sept 26 (UTC+8) to Oct 10(16:00, UTC+8), 2018 will be processed and distributed to your selected Mainnet NAS nano wallet within 72 hours. The transaction status/history is available for you to check via NAS nano or the Nebulas explorer at If you do not receive your Mainnet NAS coins within 72 hours, please contact the Nebulas team immediately (

Submission received from Oct 10 to Oct 30, 2018(UTC+8) will be processed during Oct 30 (16:00 UTC+8) to Oct 31, 2018 (24:00 UTC+8). Please make sure to check the status of your transaction closely for a successful swap via your NAS nano or the Nebulas explorer.

Method 2. Token Swap via Exchanges

Please refer to the announcement of exchanges pertaining to the NAS
token swap. The NAS token swap can be completed via exchanges in accordance to exchanges’ procedures. The token swap via exchanges begun May 7, 2018 (UTC+8) and can be processed without knowledge of blockchain technical principles or basic operations of the token swap or signatures. The current exchanges that support NAS token swap are and

Important Notice:

  1. For all the information about the NAS token swap, please only refer to Nebulas official website(;
  2. NAS official token swap will only be made through Nebulas mobile wallet-NAS nano v2.2.0 (supports both iOS and Android devices). Please download NAS nano v2.2.0 only from the Nebulas official website or the links provided above in this announcement;
  3. Please pay close attention to fake applications, false information, phishing websites, phishing emails, and fake customer service, etc. The Nebulas team will NEVER ask for private keys or passwords from users. Please protect yourself from scam attempts;
  4. Please keep your private key and password private and safe, backup your wallet and always check and confirm the addresses carefully during the token swap. Please do not send your Mainnet NAS coin to any ETH based wallet. And please remember DO NOT remove your NAS nano. The Nebulas team assumes no responsibility for any loss caused by personal or third parties’ fault.

If you have any questions, please let us know:

The self-service token swap is convenient and fast, so please try to get your token swapped before Oct 10, 2018 (16:00, UTC +8).

Nebulas team
Sept 26, 2018

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Twitter: @nebulasio



Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.