GO ! Nebulers 😆

Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2018

Calling all Nebulas community members……together……let’s build a next generation quality & fun community, aiming to unite all users, developers, investors, and anyone from all over the world (US, Europe, China, Russia, Korean, etc).

Come & join us @ our new Discord channel: https://discord.gg/ADTjkpW

Community is the very foundation of blockchain and decentralization. This is built by the community, for the community.

Each of the “Nebulas star” = each Nebuler 😱

GO ! Nebulers 😆

#DLT #blockchain #decentralization
TOGETHER…. Let’s build a next generation community which is

1. Quality

  • knowleadgable
  • open
  • collaborative
  • helpful
  • constructive criticism & suggestions
  • etc

2. Thinking In Blockchain

3. Honest

4. Friendly 😃

5. Fun (when moon ?🚀🚀)

6. Simply any good stuffs you can think of !

7. Ask not what blockchain can do for you, ask what you can do for blockchain !! 😡

8. Yes, we believe !! 😊

Oopps who “invented” the #2, #7 and #8 ? 😱😱

This is your home sweet home 😊 Join us !! https://discord.gg/ADTjkpW

The problems with existing channels

  • Community fragmentation (country): western community mainly uses Telegram; chinese community mainly uses WeChat/QQ, etc
  • Community fragmentation (users/developers): users & developers use different channels, different group, etc
  • Limitation of platform functionalities: single-channel, UX/UI, community support, Telegram/Wechat is not sustainable when more users join in the future, security, etc
  • Etc

Why Discord ?

One-stop-shop for everyone

  • Multi-channel = many topics + many languages = all users/developers/investors/anyone from all over the world
  • Encourage users to interact with DApps / developers
  • Marketing channel for DApps with users from all over the world
  • We are also looking for ‘Translation’ bot for everyone from all over the world
  • Easier community support from both users & admins….all in one place (ie more users can better help each other, more efficiency from admins who can speak multiple languages)
  • Better role/permission management, better security, etc
  • Other features: better ‘bot relay’ (ie Reddit, Twitter), UX/UI, customization….everything is better !
  • OFF-TOPIC channel: bot relay (ie crypto news, world news), watercooler, simply anything you want !
  • Developers’ channels. Brainstorm + discuss + collaborate + build DApps together ! 🚀🚀 Get your user feedbacks here directly ! 😄

GO ! Nebulers 😡……come & join us !!

Discord: https://discord.gg/ADTjkpW

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Read more about Nebulas @

The Beauty of Nebulas

Nebulas & Passion & Vision

Nebulas & Mass Adoption

Your unofficial Nebulas quarterly report….2Q18 😄

