Live Reddit AMA with Nebulas Founder Hitters Xu

Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2018

On December 30th, Nebulas Testnet was launched as scheduled. The launch of the testnet marks a new stage of Nebulas blockchain development. With the testnet launched, Nebulas had the basic structure of the next generation blockchain system in place. In past month, Nebulas Testnet was being constantly upgraded and attracting more and more attention. The Nebulas community is also quickly expanding. Nebulas Mainnet will also be launched at the end of March in 2018.

Nebulas comes from the community and serves the community. To strengthen Nebulas’ connection with the community and help community members learn more about Nebulas, we are going to hold an live AMA with Nebulas founder Hitters Xu on Reddit.

The AMA will start on February 24th at 3pm (UTC-08:00, PST, February 25th at 7am Beijing time). Everyone from the community can ask questions on Reddit and upvote/downvote according to your interest. Questions with more upvotes will be answered first.

More details about the AMA will come soon. Stay tuned!


About Nebulas

Nebulas is a decentralized platform which provides a search framework for all blockchains. Nebulas Rank (NR) is an open-sourced ranking algorithm used to measure the influence of relationships among addresses, smart contracts, and distributed applications (DApps). It helps both users utilize information among the ever-increasing amount of data on all blockchains & developers to use our search framework directly in their own applications.

About Hitters Xu

Founder & CEO of Nebulas, Founder of AntShares (NEO), a blockchain pioneer in China, the former Director of Ant Financial’s Blockchain Platform (Alibaba’s financial arm) and part of Google’s Search & Anti-Fraud team. Since 2013, Hitters has founded BitsClub(the very first Blockchain/Bitcoin community in China), ICO365 (one of the largest ICO platforms) and FBG Capital (one of the earliest Crypto funds).

Learn more about Nebulas:

Official website:

Twitter: @nebulasio



Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.