Nebulas and Tencent GIS Meetup Promotes Blockchain Innovation

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4 min readMay 8, 2018
Nebulas Shanghai meetup

Nebulas founders Hitters Xu, Robin Zhong and Aero Wang spoke at the Nebulas Community Meetup in Shanghai, jointly hosted with Tencent Group Innovation Space, alongside Li Ming, head of operations for Tencent GIS. Together, the Nebulas founders elaborated on the vision and technology of the Nebulas blockchain, shared their insights and predictions about the blockchain industry, and provided further details on the Nebulas Incentive Program — an unprecedented plan to reward blockchain developers who build decentralized apps.

On May 6th, the next generation blockchain Nebulas and Tencent Group Innovation Space (GIS) jointly hosted the ”Nebulas Incentive Program Shanghai Stop” community meetup in Tenchuang (Yangpu), Shanghai. Nebulas’ three founders — Hitters Xu, Robin Zhong and Aero Wang — spoke at the event, and they were joined by Li Ming, the head of operations for Tencent GIS. Together, the Nebulas founders shared their experiences within blockchain and tips for participating in the industry. They also introduced the $5 million USD Nebulas Incentive Program, which aims to accelerate the popularization of blockchain applications.

Thinking in Blockchain

At the meetup, Hitters Xu, the founder and CEO of Nebulas and a blockchain pioneer in China, shared his experiences and insights in the space. Hitters spoke of blockchain as a brand new industry that is not yet defined, and whose future is still hard to predict. Taking innovations from the Internet and adapting them to blockchain may not work. Rather, blockchain practitioners should strive for the mindset of “thinking in blockchain.” If blockchain has as big an impact on the world as the Internet has, then what changes might we see in the future? This question is the driving motivator for Nebulas.

The Nebulas project simultaneously adopts a bottom-up and top-down approach to promote a continuously improving blockchain ecosystem for the long-term. As a public blockchain, the Nebulas ecosystem is open to all to build on top of. At the same time, Nebulas is building native features into its blockchain aimed at attracting developers to the ecosystem. These features include native incentives in the form of NAS tokens, a value measurement system via Nebulas Rank to encourage search and discovery in the ecosystem, and the ability to self-evolve through Nebulas Force, to guard against the risks of hard forks.

Community is Key

Blockchain projects are almost synonymous with community-building. After all, the true spirit of blockchain is decentralization, open-source, and driven by network participants. Aero Wang, co-founder and COO of Nebulas, described a blockchain community as a gathering place for casual supporters and strong believers alike, Community has a huge impact on the success and failure of a blockchain project, he said, citing the achievements of Bitcoin, whose success is inseparable from the early efforts of its now-legendary group of initial project developers.

Indeed, blockchain is a combination of the will of the community and the rules of the network protocol. One danger to be wary of is the possibility of interest groups emerging in the community. This can lead to division and ultimately to forking, as seen recently in the original Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains. To guard against this threat, Nebulas implements the philosophy and technical mechanisms of “self-evolution.” This idea allows Nebulas to bridge differences and channel the aggregated will of its community — a mechanism known as “Nebulas Force” — to ensure the stable development of the ecosystem.

“Scholarships for Blockchain”

Robin Zhong, the co-founder and CTO of Nebulas, provided more details on the mandate to create an ever-improving and sustainable blockchain ecosystem. The Nebulas Incentive Program plays a fundamental role towards achieving goal, because it encourages developers to build greater decentralized apps (DApps) on the Nebulas mainnet. The first season of the Nebulas Incentive Program features a total prize pool of 460,000 NAS, equal to $5 million USD, per May 7 prices.

In this way, the Nebulas Incentive Program acts as a scholarship to a free education and a potential new career path. Thanks to this program, anyone interested in blockchain can get started building DApps not only with no risk but also with substantial rewards. So far thousands of developers and affiliate promoters have signed up to the program.

“Three is a Crowd”

This event was noteworthy as it was the first time the three Nebulas co-founders participated in a public Nebulas meetup together. Anticipating a large turnout, this event took place in a large meeting space at Tencent GIS, with a capacity of 80 people. Yet, the room overflowed to more than 120 audience members, with many having to stand for the duration of the event.

Audience stood during the event

Nebulas meetups always aim to be educational, to further enable the community to understand Nebulas’ vision and technology. Having just launched the Nebulas Incentive Program in the first week of May, this meetup focused in large part on how to take part in the program and develop DApps for the Nebulas mainnet. The meetup featured an on-site teaching session explaining how to build a Nebulas DApp — from setting up the right development environment to creating and deploying the DApp on the blockchain — which delighted audience members.

Learn more about Nebulas:

Official website:
Twitter: @nebulasio



Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.