Nebulas Incentive Program — Interview with the Champion of Week 1

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7 min readMay 22, 2018

Nebulas Incentive Program Week 1 has been successfully concluded. Among 231 applications that have been reviewed, a DApp named NAS Red Packet won the Week 1 champion and was rewarded 10,000 NAS (nearly $80,000 USD, as of May 22 prices). NAS Red Packet was developed in only 10 days by two grass-roots developers born in the 1990s. We contacted them and invited the product manager to our Beijing office for an exclusive interview.

Team members:

Product Manager: Pluto (Born in 1993, employee of an edutech company based in Beijing)

R&D engineer: Xuxue (Born in 1994, data scientist for an internet company based in Hangzhou)

Development time: 10 days

Since Xuxue is a distance away in Hangzhou, Pluto accepted Nebulas’ request for an interview on behalf of their team. The answers to the following questions are all attributed to Pluto.

Pluto is the winner’s nickname. He requested to protect his privacy
A young and handsome guy — — Xuxue

The real Ready Player One in Nebulas Incentive Program

People who have watched the movie “Ready Player One” know that the five-member team led by the main character in the movie are strangers in the real world that band together in the virtual video game universe, the Oasis. Nevertheless, the protagonists trust each other and team up to complete challenges in the Oasis that no one has ever done before. This story is similar to that of our Week 1 Champions. They had been internet friends for over than a year before they met each other or even talked on the phone.

Below are the interview questions and answers from Pluto.

1. How did you come to know each other?

We are both avid players of the same video game. Last May, a friend organized a new training camp for this game. He hoped to bring together 1,000 new players. I agreed with him, so I made myself Product Manager of this training camp. My development partner Xuxue also agreed on this idea and signed up as a developer. That’s how we got to know each other. We talked to each other via WeChat, and after about a year we finally met in person.

2. How did you find out about the Nebulas Incentive Program?

I saw someone talking about Nebulas Incentive Program in a token group during May Day Holiday. I felt it very interesting, so I checked the Nebulas announcement to learn more. Many people in that group started to send their invitation links to invite developers to register, so I opened a link and joined the Incentive program. I can’t remember who the referrer is, it should be someone I know. Here, I also want to congratulate him on winning the referral reward of 2000 NAS.

On finding a Product Manager

Friends who want to team up to participate in the Nebulas Incentive Program, I suggest you to team up with a PM, who you can find in WeChat.. I suggest you do this quickly, otherwise, PMs may team up with others and you won’t be able to find anyone.

3. Why did you decide to make a red packet DApp?

At present, there aren’t many DApps that provide a popular use case for the everyday person. We designed the NAS Red Packet DApp with this in mind. We built our DApp for the general public, especially those who are not involved in the token space. Hopefully people can play with our application and in doing so they’ll learn something about blockchain.

The other reason we built this DApp is because, in our view, we think WeChat Pay has similarities to the current conditions of blockchain. One of the main reasons Wechat Pay became so popular is because its Red Packet feature. We think Red Packet DApp can also help popularize blockchain.

4. Which factor do you think is the most important for you to win the weekly champion?

I think the most important thing is to “examine the topic.” When we did this, I found several points, which I think helped to make our team’s application lucky enough to win the prize.

The first point is to consider the purpose of NIP. The main purpose of NIP should be branding, to promote the ecosystem development of Nebulas and expanding its popularity. So, therefore, it makes sense to create a DApp that is user-friendly and characteristics of virality.

Secondly, we carefully studied your algorithm. I read the implementation of the detailed rules of Nebulas Incentive Program and your two white papers. And I also read the anti-cheating chapter for three hours.

So I concluded that the core point of NIP is to build a “popular DApp”. According to my understanding, a “popular” doesn’t have to mean high-quality code, or a beautiful front-end interface. It means the DApp can meet the demands of the market and of users. As I mentioned before, it must therefore be an application with low threshold for adoption that everyone can access and easily use.

NAS Red Packet now looks somewhat like WeChat Red Packets. No worries, the Week 1 Champion is working on its new functions. Stay tuned!

5. What’s your plan to further improve this DApp?

We have the plan to continue to improve the NAS Red Packet. After all, we also want to compete for the monthly reward. We notice that NAS Nano is about to release, so we definitely hope to introduce this DApp into Nebulas App wallet to make it more convenient.

There are also a bunch of other Red Packet features we are considering, password-protected red envelopes, guessing game or riddle-based red envelopes, red envelope platforms for companies, as well as an open-source red envelope platform that developers can access to build their own red envelope DApps.

But DApps can do a lot of things. Apart from NAS Red Packet, we also have some other ideas that are also very suitable for token economy and have potential for a wide range of use.

We think in blockchain, they think in Classic Internet.

6. What’s your viewpoints about DApps at present and in the future?

Currently, I think DApps are not mature, and the profit model is relatively simple. There are two main types: one is to pump a price, which we see happening via purchasing on exchanges. The other is the autonomous DApp that provides a set of services for users to consume. For example, gaming DApps and content-provider DApps are very typical. At present, the two categories, paid modal and service provider are two most explored directions.

In the future, I think the earliest DApp that will catch people’s attention are tool-based or gaming DApps. But I have no idea about what kind of DApp can become popular. Difficulties include the actual user cases, the profit model as well as the limitations of smart contracts presently.

7. Why did you build DApps on the Nebulas mainnet first, instead of another blockchain platform, like Ethereum?

Actually, product development depends on platform environment and use cases.

We did consider developing a DApp on Ethereum before, but there were several problems.

First, the transfer fees of Ethereum is too high.

Second, as an overseas public chain, Ethereum does not have many developers in China, and there aren’t many user-friendly Chinese groups for developers to seek out information, let alone official documentation. Compared with Ethereum, Nebulas as a public chain has done a very good job in this regard in China. If there are any questions, official members will come out to answer, which is a really great benefits for developers.

The third is about the Nebulas Incentive Program. We feel that Ethereum doesn’t have a good incentive mechanism, and it is difficult to earn money as a small developer. We believe Nebulas Incentive Program, including the follow-up DApp incentives in the white paper is especially important for developers.

The above is the special interview about the Week 1 champion of NIP. We thank Pluto for accepting our interview, and congratulate him and Xuxue for winning the Week 1 Champion prize and 10,000 NAS rewards!

The first week of the Nebulas Incentive Program ended on May 13th, 4:00 pm Beijing time, Nebulas block height 256,506. The response from developers was overwhelming positive. In total, 822 applications were submitted to the program, and 231 were approved to receive NAS rewards. In Week 1 of the Nebulas Incentive Program, over 290 developers and referrers won rewards, amounting to nearly $350,000 USD.

More information about the Nebulas Incentive Program:

Official Interpretation of Nebulas Incentive Program Implementation Details Season 1

About Nebulas:

Nebulas is a new generation public blockchain, aiming at a continuously improving ecosystem.

1. Value Ranking

To enable value discovery in blockchain, Nebulas Rank measures multidimensional data in the blockchain world and powers the decentralized search framework.

2. Self-evolution

To avoid the damage caused by forking to the blockchain, Nebulas Force enables rapid iteration and upgradability to its blockchain without the need for hard forks.

3. Native incentives

With forward-looking incentive and consensus mechanisms, the Nebulas Incentive rewards developers and users who contribute to the sustainability and growth of the ecosystem.

About the Nebula 1.0 Eagle Nebula Mainnet

The Nebula 1.0 Eagle Nebula mainnet has all the features of Ethereum and surpasses the second-generation blockchain in several ways:

· Nebulas is developer-friendly and supports the use of JavaScript to write smart contracts and DApps, making it easier for anyone to get started building in blockchain;

· Nebulas is the only blockchain that implements the world-renown LLVM compiler, features superior performance through concurrent technology, with a transaction processing capability of 2000TPS;

· Nebulas is more secure, stable, and has strong expandability. It also provides novel measures to invoke smart contracts and upgrade protocols.

Learn more about Nebulas:

Official website:
Twitter: @nebulasio



Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.