Nebulas Joining Public Chain Technology Alliance (PCTA) to Empower Developers Community

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4 min readOct 26, 2018

Since March of 2018, Nebulas mainnet v1.0 Eagle Nebula has been in stable operation for more than seven months. Currently, over 6800 DApps have been deployed on Nebulas mainnet. Given the fast iteration of technology in the blockchain industry, a public chain project cannot develop itself isolatedly. On October 24, Nebulas announced to join the Public Chain Technology Alliance (PCTA) as its first partners to further empower developers community.

Nebulas always attaches great importance on the power of community and encourages community members to contribute to Nebulas ecosystem in various ways. On May of 2018, Nebulas launched Nebulas Incentive Program (NIP) Season 1, which helped the popularity of Nebulas among developers and public chain projects. Thanks to NIP season1, the enthusiasm of developers has been greatly activated and many of them make great contributions to expand Nebulas ecosystem.

For example, a very popular community developer nicknamed “CSS magic”, who is a front-end development expert with more than 10 years of development experience. He was invited to participate the QCon Global Software Development Conference from October 18 to 20, 2018, during which he delivered a speech on “Why Front-end Engineers Should Grasp the Skill of Developing DApps?”He used Nebulas as a case study to introduce how he developed DApps on Nebulas blockchain. He also teamed up with several friends to assist Nebulas DApp developers, and their product, Nasa.js, enjoyed wide popularity among developers.

Another case in point is the first monthly champion of NIP Season 1, the Cell Evolution, whose developer Xiao Wu released his new game Last Trip on Nebulas mainnet on October 19, 2018. It is a game about choices and stories, and a new combination between blockchain technology and game industry. The game has a warm response once released and was reported by many media such as DappReview, a medium focused on in-depth blockchain technology analysis and report. After experiencing the game, members of the community also gave favorable comments such as “ It’s an interesting story, easy to get started and has unique style”.

With its unique technical features and developer-friendly quality, Nebulas community developers, both at home and abroad, remain high enthusiasm and activeness.

Honey Thakuria, our community developer from India, put forward a new idea named “Decentralized Petition System” , with which he won the best architecture award at the Accenture Blockchain Hackathon organized in Bangalore, India on August 25, 2018. The Decentralized Petition System is targeted at solving the existed problems in the current centralized petition system, including hiding the signature, selling personal data for money, and vulnerable to manipulate the data of masses, etc. It will built over Nebulas blockchain and is now in the progress to put it into the live stage. (For more details about the project please refer to Hackernoon)

Although the above mentioned community developers are focused on different aspects, they have one thing in common. All of them believe that Nebulas has unique features compared with other public chain projects, in which Nebulas allows smart contract to be written in JavaScript, its testing and deployment progress is very smooth, the cost is rather low and it also has strong developer incentives. Their choices also prove that Nebulas is a developer-friendly public chain and can help community members to achieve their dreams.

The blockchain industry currently faces a lot of difficult challenges. Public Chain Technical Alliance (PCTA) is an open, cooperative and inclusive alliance to promote greater collaboration, rather than competition, among top public blockchains, and can better solve the current difficulties in the blockchain industry.

Nebulas becomes a partner of PCTA will further empower the developers community and raise their enthusiasm to contribute even more to Nebulas ecosystem. With the rapid iteration of blockchain technology, we Nebulers remain committed to our original mission. In the future, we’ll continue improving our technology and building healthy ecosystem, trying to allow everyone to benefit fairly from the decentralized community. Together let’s explore the blockchain world. Go Nebulas!

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Twitter: @nebulasio



Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.