Nebulas mainnet transaction volume exceeds Ethereum, reaching nearly 700,000 for the first time

Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2018


Welcome to the Nebulas data briefing column! The Nebulas team will publish data on our progress here from time to time. We’ll cover things like progress with the Incentive Program and also provide real-time updates.

Today’s broadcast statistics are updated as of Beijing time June 23, 2018, midnight, Beijing time.

Nebulas mainnet

Nebulas main network daily transactions

Transactions in one day, exceeding Ethereum for the first time

The Nebulas mainnet is rock solid under pressure.

Number of dapps on Nebulas: 4,144

Over two times Ethereum’s

Number of Nebulas mainnet accounts: 84,283

61% increase from last week
Passing the 80,000 mark for the first time

Number of Nebulas smart contracts: 7,664

1041 more than in the same period last week

Incentive Program data

Super Contributor referrals this week: 124,053

Passing 100,000 referrals on June 19.
The Super Contributor referral plan is helping to drive repaid user growth on the Nebulas mainnet

Cumulative registered developer accounts (individuals/teams):2,378

Accumulated NAS reward recipients from NIP:1,416

Awarded coverage > 60%

Total accumulated NIP rewards: 326,260 NAS

According June 23rd prices, this is equal to over $1.5 million USD

If you are a developer, you should know:

How to build a DApp on Nebulas (Part 1)
How to build a DApp on Nebulas (Part 2)
How to build a DApp on Nebulas (Part3)

If you are not a developer, you should know:

Registration is free and you’ll get complimentary NAS to try dapps

Referring developers who build on Nebulas will earn you a 20% commission

Refer all your friends for a chance to be a Super Contributors. As a reward, you’ll split a 10,000 NAS reward, and help vote on the best dapps in NIP

Learn more about Nebulas:

Official website:
Twitter: @nebulasio



Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.