Nebulas Mauve Paper: Developer Incentive Protocol

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3 min readOct 31, 2018

Ten years ago on October 31, Satoshi Nakamoto published the Bitcoin Whitepaper and introduced Bitcoin to the world. Today, on the ten year anniversary of the Bitcoin Whitepaper, the Nebulas Research Institute has published the Nebulas Mauve Paper, showing our respect for this great crypto revolution.

On October 31, 2018 (UTC+8), the Nebulas Research Institute officially released the “Mauve Paper: Developer Incentive Protocol”. This is yet another major research achievement from the Nebulas Research Institute since the publication of the Nebulas Rank Yellow Paper back in June of this year. The core feature explained in the Mauve Paper is the Developer Incentive Protocol (DIP) which will distribute incentives directly to DApp developers and help them benefit fairly from the decentralized platform.

In the traditional software industry, application platform providers give benefits to the user of the software. However, the benefits haven’t been fairly distributed to the relevant application developers. It is currently the same situation for blockchain industry developers and interests of DApp developers have been ignored or violated. The end result are developers fail to benefit fairly from the decentralized platform or the development of blockchain. The focus of the Nebulas Mauve Paper lies in the fact that it believes the benefits of DApp developers should be distributed fairly and guaranteed, which is also the key for sustainable blockchain development. Based on this concept, the Nebulas Research Institute has put forward a original DApp Developer Incentive Protocol after in-depth research and meticulous demonstration. The Nebulas Mauve Paper demonstrates how to provide incentives for excellent DApp developers, to further spur developers to build excellent DApps and promote sustainable development of the entire blockchain ecosystem.

Based on the existing Nebulas Rank Yellow Paper, the Developer Incentive Protocol (DIP) simplifies the requirement of users voting on DApps based on their personal preference. Nebulas Rank has become an important indicator in determining the result of user preference and voting via the simple act of actual DApp usage. Finally, developers will receive corresponding rewards based on the voting results. DIP contains two parts: DApp ranking score and developer incentive distribution. DIP will score DApps via a decentralized system based on users’ call to a smart contract. Nebulas Rank effectively measures the value of the users account and will serve as the DIP model and an important indicator in determining users’ voting effectiveness, resulting in giving users a credible DApp ranking and distributing rewards based on the overall rank. In addition, the Mauve Paper gives a detailed analysis about potential cheating such as “buying votes,” “malicious splitting,” “Sybil attack” and more which demonstrates the excellent anti-cheating nature of DIP.

The publication of the Mauve Paper represents the completion of the Nebulas Developer Incentive Protocol demonstration and DIP will enter the development stage. As the core function of Nebulas v2.0: Nebulas Nova, DIP will distribute native incentives to DApp developers on the Nebulas blockchain thereby build a positive relationship among DApp developers, DApp uses and the Nebulas blockchain. This will result in promoting the sustainable development of the Nebulas blockchain.

The Nebulas Research Institute is a blockchain technology innovation and research team. Its core members are composed of experts in cryptography, computer sciences and blockchain from both China and the United States of America. The Nebulas Research Institute is committed to promoting scientific research and innovation of the Nebulas technical concept. Since their inception, they have already developed pioneering research achievements to society including the Nebulas Rank Yellow Paper. The Nebulas Research Institute has also established collaboration with many excellent universities such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, The University of Aizu, etc. The Nebulas Research Institute will jointly carry out research with these universities and will distribute the relevant research achievements gradually to to society.

Click here to view the Nebulas Mauve Paper: Developer Incentive Protocol

Nebulas Mauve Paper: Developer Incentive Protocol has been open sourced on the Nebulas GitHub; community members are welcome to discuss and give suggestions: GitHub

October 31, 2018

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