Nebulas NOVA DIP Data Recap — Week 10

Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2019

The Nebulas NOVA testnet Developer Incentive Program has come to a triumphant end but, of course this is just the beginning of native on-chain incentives. We are now preparing to release NOVA onto the mainnet where developers will receive $NAS autonomously just for creating quality DApps on Nebulas. Be ready to create and participate!

This week saw a continuation of the past weeks stats with a uptick in the total number of new smart contracts increasing to 2,539 and total transactions increasing to over 75,000.

This weeks first place address has won 4 out of the 10 weeks in the competition and has netted the entire reward once again. With the competition completed, we can take a look at the distribution of $NAS rewards over the entire competition for the top smart contract owner addresses:

Based on the table above, we can see the Developer Incentive Protocol (DIP) rewarded users fairly based on Nebulas Rank. The Developer Incentive Protocol shared the reward to many addresses over the course of the program but the more dedicated developers walked away with larger rewards. We can’t wait to see what developers will create once NOVA and DIP goes live on the mainnet very soon!

Reward Winners:

To those who received DIP testnet rewards, expect your mainnet NAS within two weeks to the above listed addresses. Since the NAS reward amount after the seventh place is nearly zero, we will only be rewarding the top seven addresses.

(Note: If you are receiving a NAS reward as per the above address list, you will need to have access to the address on the mainnet. Simply utilize the same testnet address private key to access your mainnet NAS via Nebulas supported wallet. You can check the address on the web explorer to verify the funds have been sent.)

Thank you to all who have participated and congratulations to the winners of NAS rewards! We hope everyone will participate in the future when NOVA goes live.

Testnet rollback announcement

Due to updates with the Nebulas Blockchain Runtime Environment (NBRE), the Nebulas team has decided to rollback the tesetnet to block height 1,540,000 which will occur between 7pm — 12pm, Beijing Time (GMT+8) on April 2nd, 2019.

For more information about this process and what it means for you, please visit:

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Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.