Nebulas NOVA Is The Best Gift For Nebulas Research Institute’s 1st Anniversary

Xixiu Zheng
Published in
5 min readFeb 26, 2019

A year ago, Nebulas Research Institute was founded, and from its humble beginning, Nebulas Research Institute has grown to become a leading blockchain research team in China, with four Ph.D and six full-time researchers. They have conducted innovative research work, helped create Nebulas NOVA, and contributed their studies to the general public blockchain industry. It has been a truly meaningful and fruitful year.

It All Started with Just One Founding Member

One of the biggest challenges for every startup is to source talents, and it’s no exception in the blockchain industry. In Feb 2018, “blockchain” was still a buzzword that attracted many speculators, however, few were equipped with in-depth knowledge or technical expertise.

Hitters Xu, Founder of Nebulas, Sharing his idea. From: Nebulas Official team

Soon after the first launch of testnet, Nebulas founder Hitters Xu initiated the founding of a blockchain research institute. It was unprecedented in the industry, but crucial for Nebulas’ long term development and maintaining its innovative edge.

Early Nebulas Research Institute. From: Nebulas Official team

The first person to take on this challenge was Dr. Xuepeng Fan, who later became the Head of Research at Nebulas Research Institute. Within just 3 month, he managed to single-handedly recruit several top talents from the Silicon Valley as well as the best universities in China. They formed the core research and development team at Nebulas, and without them, Nebulas NOVA would not have been a reality.

Nebulas NOVA Is One Step Closer to The “True Nebulas”

Currently there are six members at Nebulas Research Institute, and they specialize in different fields, because it is much more effective to conduct cross-disciplinary research. There are three technical advisors and two visiting scholars, too. They have provided very valuable advice and help along the way. At the same time, a few talented students from Tsinghua, Peking University and Chinese Academy of Sciences also join Nebulas Research Institute as interns to explore the forefront of blockchain development.

  • In June 2018, the Nebulas Rank Yellow Paper written by Dr. Zaiyang Tang was released, and the Nebulas Rank entered its implementation stage. Research and development of Nebulas NOVA began.
  • In October 2018, the Nebulas Developer Incentive Protocol Mauve Paper written by Dr. Yulong Zeng was officially released. The Developer Incentive Protocol development began.
  • In the same month, with the support of Nebulas Research Institute, Nebulas tech team completed the functional testing of Nebulas Blockchain Runtime Environment (NBRE).
Next month, Nebulas NOVA officially released mainnet version. Screenshot From: Nebulas Official website

Nebulas NOVA implements the core features envisioned in the Nebulas Technical White Paper, building the blockchain infrastructure that supports a decentralized collaboration network.

From Theory To Reality

Nebulas Research Institute is committed to the research and innovation of the Autonomous Metanet. They believe in, and are applying the latest technology to build a new decentralized collaborative world. Nebulas Research Institute’s main roles are:

  • Provide theoretical and technical support to the other Nebulas departments, including the mainnet development team;
  • Explore the latest technologies within the industry and academic studies in relevant fields, as well as carry out their own testing, and publish corresponding academic papers;
  • Drive the innovation of blockchain development in general and collaborate with other research institutes.
Dr. Yulong Zeng is Discussing with colleagues at the institute. From: Nebulas Official team

Publishing a paper is the process of the researchers seriously tackling a problem in their field. Right now the development of the blockchain industry is relatively impetuous, so many novel and interesting ideas emerge one after another, but ideas are empty without rigorous theoretical validation and engineering practice, which need to undergo strict peer review. Therefore, Nebulas Research Institute takes publishing papers very seriously.

In January 2019, “The Matthew Effect in Computation Contests: High Difficulty May Lead to 51% Dominance” was selected in the 2019 International World Wide Web Conference. Dr. Yulong Zeng of Nebulas Research Institute participated and led most of the research and writing of this paper.

In terms of university project collaboration, it mainly includes two aspects: on one hand, it’s talent exchange; on the other hand, it’s to work on research topics together.

So far, Nebulas Research Institute has worked with Tsinghua University, Peking University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Aizu, Japan to jointly conduct research on blockchain related topics, and Nebulas NOVA research and development.

2019, The Best Is Yet To Come

Nebulas NOVA mainnet will be officially launched soon, this is only possible because of the outstanding dedication of all the Nebulas Research Institute members, it is also the best gift they have received on its first anniversary.

Every Thursday’s research seminar. From: Nebulas official team

In 2019, the best is yet to come! And Nebulas Research Institute will focus on the following:

  • Theoretical validation and improvement of the Proof of Devotion (PoD) consensus;
  • Research on the essential features for decentralization, such as on-chain voting;
  • Research on Nebulas system, including storage mechanisms, P2P networks, smart contract programming languages, and virtual machines.
People’s exploration of the blockchain field, like Columbus discovering the New World. From: Internet

As the new year unfolds, we look forward to the new discoveries that Nebulas Research Institute is undertaking, and building a platform that lets everyone get value from decentralized collaboration fairly.

This article is written by Hongtao from Chinese community and translated by Journey form Singapore community. We thank you again for the contributions. More people are welcome to participate in the construction of Nebulas and move forward toward Autonomous Metanet.

If you have any ideas, you can come to our community forum to discuss. We need everyone’s precious voice.

Learn more about Nebulas:

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Twitter: @nebulasio

