Nebulas PoD Node Decentralization Plan: One Giant Leap for the Autonomous Metanet

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3 min readNov 13, 2019

Nebulas’ PoD Node Decentralization Plan will be published this month. This will be one giant leap for the Autonomous Metanet.

The Nebulas Autonomous Metanet is the realization of Nebulas’ ideology which includes the decentralization of mainnet nodes and community governance. Nebulas will complete the decentralization of nodes and will enable delegates selected by the community to participate in community governance via the distribution of these nodes.

Since the establishment of the Nebulas team in 2017, we have been devoted to the vision of “Let everyone obtain value fairly from decentralized collaboration.” Upon the launch of the Nebulas mainnet in March of 2018 — code-named “Eagle Nebula” and the subsequent launch of “Nebulas NOVA,” Nebulas has been consistently exploring diverse methods for decentralized collaboration. Nebulas is among one of the first public chains supporting smart contract development via JavaScript thereby lowering the threshold required for the creation of decentralized applications as seen during the explosive phase of community development during the Nebulas Incentive Program.

Nebulas is continuously striving to discover the value of data within blockchain via Nebulas Rank. Recently, Nebulas has established the nextDAO platform (; DAO, Decentralized Autonomous Organization) thereby exploring a new complex network of data. Nebulas has also released the community collaboration platform GoNebulas ( that is practicing on-chain interactions and decisions via community collaboration and voting. These milestones have laid the necessary foundation for the PoD Node Decentralization Plan.

Rewards Distribution

According to the Nebulas Technical Whitepaper, Nebulas’ PoD annual bookkeeping income is 3 million NAS. The bookkeeping income will be applied to the Nebulas PoD Node Decentralization Plan which includes incentives for mainnet node operation and decentralized governance cooperation. The anticipated reward for node operation and community governance will divide the incentives at a ratio of 5:1.

Consensus: Decentralization of Mainnet Nodes

Nebulas will select a total of 51 nodes via a comprehensive candidate node ranking algorithm. Of the 51 selected nodes, a total of 21 nodes will be selected at continuous intervals via a consensus node algorithm thereby giving more community nodes the opportunity to fulfil the duties of bookkeepers. All community members, individuals and organizations are all welcome to participate in the to-come NAX staking campaign to support the selection process of decentralized nodes.

NAX is the first smart asset distributed via dStaking and the first asset created on the nextDAO platform. The distribution of NAX is based on dStaking which analyzes at multiple factors of on-chain data for issuance per address such as the quantity of NAS being dStaked, the duration of the dStaking period and the quantity of NAS dStaked across the entire Nebulas ecosystem. NAX will serve as a proof of devotion mechanism of community members within the ecosystem.

To further explore the devotion of the community, the approval of being a Nebulas node operator will be partially based on the pledging of NAS and will create new scenario for dStaking.

Decentralized governance:community collaboration for Nebulas

Nebulas is different from other blockchain projects by joining bookkeeping nodes with governance.

In addition, to the community jointly decide the approval and disapproval of proposals as well as deciding the budget of these projects based on available community assets which will be distributed upon project approval.

After launching the Nebulas PoD Node Decentralization Plan, the Nebulas Foundation will actively promote the further development of the Autonomous Metanet, encourage and support community collaboration and promote the healthy development of the ecosystem. We firmly believe that through the continuous exploration and efforts of all within the Nebulas ecosystem, we can create a blockchain world that “people will gain fair benefits via decentralized collaboration.”

For future announcements, be sure to follow our official Nebulas accounts on, and for latest news and announcements

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Learn more about Nebulas:

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Smart asset platform nextDAO:
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Facebook: @nebulasproject
Twitter: @nebulasio



Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.