Nebulas Technical Committee Community Monthly Report — June 2020

Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2020

The third Nebulas mainnet PoD governance vote ended on July 3rd, 2020. So far, a total of 39 proposals have been approved by PoD governance committee with a current project launch rate of 69%.

  • Projects completed: 16
  • Projects in testing: 2
  • Projects in progress: 7
  • Projects with open applications: 2
  • Planned projects that have not been launched: 9
  • Projects that have not been started: 3

View various bounty projects and proposals at, or review the PoD Governance Voting Progress Summary:

Recently completed projects

3 node related projects

All three projects completed in June are node-related, including:

  • NIP293 —Remove “abstain” from the PoD governance calculations;
  • NIP294 — The initial block generation stability index of new nodes is removed and set to the upper limit;
  • NIP296 — Adds a random lucky node when selecting consensus nodes.

The above changes effectively improve the node’s block generation probability. Of all 62 nodes, 84% of them have generated a block within one week. This excludes the nodes that are temporarily punished for instability, the annual yield is estimated at more than 100%.

Projects in testing

2 community projects

  • NIP273 — Nebula Rollout Plan
  • NIP206 — Official Web Russian Translation

Among them, NIP273 is dedicated to the basic concept of graphical visualization of Nebulas and focuses on @learn_nebulas on Twitter.

Projects in progress

7 community projects

During this governance cycle, seven new community projects (one of which has been proposed) were launched involving more than 14,100 USDT. The projects will help Nebulas to explore new communities and provide multi-currency exchange and tracking of Nebulas updates in Telegram.

  • NIP146 — Cloud Gaming Part 1 — Godot Engine Plug-in Integration
  • NIP405 — Nebulas Persian Community Operations
  • NIP407 — Telegram Bot Development
  • NIP410 — Sri Lanka Community Operations, July 2020
  • NIP411 — Build Nebulas-based Light Contract “Inquiry”; Prioritize NAS:NAX trade
  • NIP412 — July 2020 Third Party WeChat Group Operations

Community discussion

Draft sponsor incentives

The draft proposal incentive has been made public and members of the community are welcome to participate actively in the refinement of this proposal to help build Nebulas.

The Nebulas Technical Committee will in the future summarize and report on the progress of the current project after each PoD governance vote. Promote the implementation of proposals and promote community collaboration.

Nebulas Technical Committee
July 15, 2020

Learn more about Nebulas:

Official website:
Node Platform:
Smart asset platform nextDAO:
New Telegram(EN):
Telegram Node Operating Group:
Community Forum:



Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.