Nebulas Testnet Developer Incentive Program Event Guide

Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2019

On 31 December 2018, Nebulas has officially launched Nebulas NOVA. Nebulas NOVA is the first public blockchain with native on-chain incentives, and the testnet beta version is now available. As a key feature of Nebulas NOVA, the Developer Incentive Protocol(DIP) provides on-chain incentives for developers, to encourage them to develop high-quality DApps in a decentralized way.

From 21 Jan 2019, and before DIP is launched on the mainnet, all developers can experience DIP in advance by deploying smart contracts on Nebulas NOVA testnet. There are NAS testnet tokens to be distributed automatically every week, that can be swapped to NAS when the mainnet goes live.

Event Period

21 January to 31 March 2019 (10 weeks in total)

Event Participants

Nebulas testnet blockchain application developers.

To Participate

Deploy smart contracts on Nebulas testnet during this event period; and there are test users (or conduct various transaction tests).

Reward Amount

Around 2500 NAS in total

Reward Criteria

DIP rewards are distributed directly to developers according to their Nebulas Rank (NR).

Reward Cycle

Automatically issued every Monday for 10 weeks.

In the first week, block range is the 40,000 blocks from the starting block height of 1562800;

In the following weeks, block range is the 40,000 blocks from the previous week’s ending block.

Reward Distribution

The NAS testnet tokens will be sent directly to the Nebulas testnet smart contract addresses from the exclusive DIP rewards issue address.

Within two weeks of the Developer Incentive Protocol(DIP) mainnet launch, equal amount of NAS will be rewarded to the mainnet addresses corresponding to their testnet token addresses.

Note: Since the corresponding rules of private key and wallet address on both NAS mainnet and testnet are the same, the testnet addresses remain the same on mainnet. Therefore, developers are advised to protect their testnet address private keys.

To Check Results

During this DIP event, the Nebulas Explorer ( automatically updates the testnet token rewards every Monday.

Source of Rewards

Bookkeeping rewards from Temporary Consensus (DPoS ) managed by the Nebulas Incentive Special Fund. Public information reference:

Community developers are welcome to take part in this Developer Incentive Protocol test, and get ready for the DIP official launch on Nebulas mainnet. Let’s build a sustainable and prosperous Nebulas ecosystem together!


1) The Nebulas team reserves the right to final interpretation of this event;

2) The Nebulas team reserves the right to adjust the reward settings and DIP algorithm details in conjunction with the actual operational conditions;

3) The Nebulas team does not assume any responsibility for the changes of NAS market value;

4) Please protect your own private key. The Nebulas team does not assume any responsibility for losses caused by developers or third parties during this event.

Learn more about Nebulas:

Official website:
Twitter: @nebulasio



Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.