Nebulas Weekly Report #29

Published in
8 min readMay 14, 2018

Welcome to Nebulas Weekly Report #29, delivering the latest updates and developments on the Nebulas project. This report is maintained by the Nebulas team. Please send feedback to, or tweet us @nebulasio.

LAST WEEK’S News and Reports

Nebulas Incentive Program Week #1 Has Concluded!

We wrapped up the first week of the Nebulas Incentive Program on Sunday at the stroke of midnight (first thing Monday), and received a total of 822 DApp submissions! More than 260 DApps were submitted on the first day alone, and developer enthusiasm for our Incentive Program continued unabated for the rest of the week.

Tomorrow (May 15), Nebulas will announce the list of the best DApps of the Week. Don’t worry if you weren’t able to submit a DApp last week. Developers have yet another chance to submit their projects by the end of this week, and even more time to polish their end product!

Thank you to all developers for participating so far! This is just the beginning of our journey of creating a decentralized future for all to derive value. We’re thrilled to be with you on this ride!

To better understand our criteria for accepting qualified DApps, please refer to:

Nebula’s Goes to MIT to Host Its First US Developer Workshop

On May 11th, Beijing time, Nebulas co-founder and CTO Robin Zhong travelled with the core Nebulas dev team to the US to host the first Nebulas development workshop at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The dev workshop was aimed to help top developers understand the strengths and characteristics of the Nebulas platform. Furthermore, the workshops helped to teach developers how build DApps that qualify for the Nebulas Incentive Program, which offers a total of 460,000 in NAS coins to developers and referrers who contribute to the growth of the Nebulas ecosystem.

Nebulas Attends Blockchain Technology Forum at Google NY

Nebula Technology Team Participates in Blockchain Technology Forum at Google’s New York Headquarters Shares Future Blockchain World Blueprint

On May 14th, Beijing time, the Nebulas team participated in the “Killer DApps and the Future of a ‘Blockchained’ World” forum at the Google NY headquarters in Manhattan, with Nebulas co-founder and CTO Robin Zhong delivering a keynote speech. In his speech, Robin introduced the Nebulas project as well as the recently launched Nebulas Incentive Program.

Robin mentioned that blockchain is just one or two “killer applications” away from kickstarting the technology into mass adoption. With this in mind, Nebulas has launched its Incentive Program to speed of the development of killer apps and hasten the arrival of a blockchain-based world.

The Nebulas Incentive Program features a total prize of 460,000 NAS, and both developers and referrers have a chance at winning a part of this prize. These rewards are being used to incentivize developers and referrers to attract more people to embrace blockchain, in order to accelerate mainstream usage of blockchain technology.

Consensus 2018: PayPal Chief Data Engineer wins Nebulas Hackathon

On May 12th and 13th, Nebulas sponsored and co-hosted the Building Blocks Hackathon at Consensus 2018, with our co-founder and CTO Robin Zhong serving as a judge. Our challenge to hackathon participants was to “build a decentralized prediction market on the Nebulas blockchain.” After 30 hours of nonstop development, participants presented their products to the panel of judges.

Congratulations to Amir Youssefi, Chief Data Engineer at Paypal, who won the Nebulas hackathon challenge and a $5120 NAS award, and a big thank you to all the developers who participated!

Furthermore, all developers are still able to participate in the First Season of the Nebulas Incentive Program. Every DApp successfully deployed on the Nebulas blockchain will earn developers at least 100 in NAS rewards, with the possibility of winning the top weekly prize of 10,000 NAS, and the top monthly prize of 20,000 NAS.

Robin Proposes “Standards” for Blockchain 3.0 at Blockchain Without Borders Summit 2018

On May 13th, Beijing time, Nebulas attended at the inaugural New York stop of the Blockchain Without Borders Summit. Robin Zhong, Nebulas co-founder and CTO, participated in the first topic of the conference to discuss “Super Nodes VS Blockchain 3.0.”

Robin exchanged views with his fellow panelists on the features that constitute next-generation blockchains. He mentioned that Blockchain 3.0 will be the stage where blockchain technology reaches mass adoption and described how blockchain will create a more fair economic model for users than the Internet, thanks to the advent of tokens and blockchain-based data exchanges.

The next-generation blockchain should be technically simpler, safer, and more scalable. Economically, it needs a native mechanism to ensure that those who really contribute to the blockchain system can be rewarded directly, rather than relying on payouts from centralized arbiters.

Regarding the issue of super nodes in blockchain, Robin said that the DPoS algorithm itself is reliable, but TPS is not everything. The problem is that super-nodes can have conflicting interests with the community, which is very dangerous. This risk may prevent super nodes from becoming the mainstream model for blockchain moving forward. business model in the future.

Nebulas Community Meeting with Dolphin Browser — 2nd Stop of the Incentive Program Tour

Dolphin Browser, a long-term strategic partner to Nebulas, invited us to Wuhan to jointly host a Nebulas Community Meeting and the second stop of the Nebulas Incentive China Tour.

On May 12th, Beijing time, Nebulas founder Hitters Xu and co-founder Aero Wang attended the Wuhan meetup and spoke about the ongoing Nebulas Incentive Program, and joined in a fireside chat with Dolphin Browser founder Liu Tiefeng.

To an audience of nearly 100 participants, the three technology leaders described their career experience with innovative ventures, and the what the future holds for blockchain. The Nebulas developer team also participated in the meetup, hosting training sessions for participants on how to build a DApp for the Nebulas Incentive Program.

Nebulas Hosts Huobi for a Conversation Between Blockchain Projects and Enthusiasts

On May 9th, Nebulas hosted Huobi at the Nebulas office for the 4th stop of the “One Hundred Blockchain Dialogues” tour. This tour, initiated by Huobi, plans to grow awareness about major blockchain projects in China, by encouraging dialogue between blockchain projects and the public.

During this event, Nebulas welcomed Huobi along with more than 30 people from the investor and developer communities, and press and media, to its office. Hitters Xu, the founder and CEO of Nebulas, and Aero Wang, Nebulas co-founder and COO, were joined by Da Peng, head of Huobi Innovation, and Guo Dazhi, VP of Huobi App Research, for the event. Event attendees were introduced to the Nebulas vision, technical strengths, and Nebulas Incentive Program, and this was followed by an afternoon networking session.

Official Nebulas Wallet App Beta Launches on Testnet

We are now in the final stages of preparing the official Nebulas wallet app, following up on the launches of the Nebulas mainnet and official Nebulas web wallet in the first half of 2018.

The official Nebulas wallet app, NAS Nano, will help users manage their digital assets more conveniently and safely. The first iteration of the app includes features such as secure NAS storage, sending and receiving transactions, private key backups, and much more.

NAS Nano is now live on the Nebulas testnet, and has entered into a public beta phase. Soon, we’ll release the official version of NAS Nano on the Nebulas mainnet. In the meantime, we invite everyone to download and try out the beta version of NAS Nano. With your feedback, we can make NAS Nano even better.

For more information on NAS Nano, the official Nebulas wallet app, please visit:

LAST WEEK’S Top Commits

Mainnet Development Progress

Go-Nebulas Mainnet v1.0.2

Go-nebulas 1.0.2 released this week as scheduled with three new features: Date function, Random function and Accept function. This week is the first week of the incentive plan. These new features will undoubtedly strengthen Dapp’s functional diversity and interest. Welcome everyone to try it out. The relevant documents have been updated on the official website Wiki.


Call between contracts

The development for the call between contracts has been completed this week and we continued to test the function from four aspects: functionality, performance, stability and security. The function of calling between contracts will greatly enrich Dapp’s design architecture, so stay tuned.

New rpc interface

To further improve the user experience, the rpc interface GetTransactionByContract was added. The rpc supports indexing the transaction receipt through the contract address and it will help users efficiently determine whether a contract is successfully deployed.



Dapp debugging tool

This week, everyone's enthusiasm for the development of Dapp is very high. At the same time, it reflects many problems. One of the more technically difficult issues is how to debug the Dapps written by everyone. In this regard, the developers of the Nebula core team feel the same. Therefore, our engineers have built a debug tool for Dapp this week, using node.js to to run and debug Dapp, so stay tuned.


Last week, we updated the Chinese and English tutorial documentation based on user feedback from our community. We will continue to focus on feedback voiced by our community and do our best to help everyone understanding blockchain and Nebulas.

Some community enthusiasts have encountered problems with function usage rights in building DApps. To make you have a better understanding of this problem, nebulas developer has added a wiki for the detailed usage:

Meantime, we have added a Chinese version of a popular wiki of smart contract:


1.How can I debug my smart contract faster?
A: The official is introducing more convenient debugging tools. In addition, community enthusiasts can also try to build your private chain and modify the configuration in the local network. Notifications can be found here:

2. Does Nebulas’s smart contract now support the use of oracle?
A: Very good question. In the latest weekly report of the Nebulas, call between different smart contracts has been completed and will soon be launched on the test network & main network. it is believed that there will soon be a nebulas oracle as long as the function is released. Stay tuned.

Learn more about Nebulas:

Official website:
Twitter: @nebulasio



Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.