Nebulas Weekly Report #32

Published in
6 min readJun 4, 2018

Welcome to Nebulas Weekly Report #32, delivering the latest updates and developments on the Nebulas project. This report is maintained by the Nebulas team. Please send feedback to, or tweet us @nebulasio.

LAST WEEK’S News and Reports

Nebulas Incentive Plan Season 1, Week 3, Recap

The third week of Nebulas Incentive Program has concluded. We received 514 decentralized app (dapp) submissions during this period, 133 of which passed review to win NAS rewards. In total, more than 190 developers and referrers qualified for NAS rewards last week, and the total prize pool equalled close to$250,000. Although the total number of the submitted dapps decreased compared with Week 2, quality has improved significantly.

In particular, we received several top-quality game applications. The winner of the Weekly Champion prize was “Dinosaur Park,” which combines blockchain technology with social networking and gaming. Full descriptions of last week’s top dapps is available below.

This week, we will be announcing the Monthly Champion, in addition to our shortlist of the best dapps of the week. Please stay tuned.

More details:

Winners and best dapps of Week 3:

Interview with the Week 3 Champion

NAS Nano update features a built-in Dapp Store

The official Nebulas mobile wallet for iOS and Android devices was updated this week and now features a built-in Dapp Store. NAS Nano users can now use the Dapp Store find and access hundreds of excellent Nebulas DApps via their smartphones.

More details here:

Nebulas launches Bounty Rewards for developers and community members

Nebulas team has officially launched the “Nebulas Bounty Rewards Program,” in order to further improve the performance of the mainnet and enrich the ecosystem’s technical tools, technical materials, and promotional resources and build a healthy and self-sustaining, community-led ecosystem.

The Bounty Program is divided into two categories: “ assignments rewards” and “long-term rewards.” The specific details are described as follows:

The Nebulas team will continuously publish new bounty assignments based on community needs, including tasks like tool development, system optimization, and tutorial/documentation content production, technology evangelism and more.

For more details on available Bounties and how to participate, please see:

Hitters Xu attends the Shanghai Blockchain Symposium

On June 2nd, Beijing time, Nebulas founder and CEO Hitters Xu attended the Blockchain Symposium, organized by the China Blockchain Application Research Center in Shanghai. Also attending the conference were the former Governor of the People’s Bank of China, Su Ning, the former vice chairman of China Insurance Regulatory Commission, Wei Yingning, the director of the China Financial Museum,. The founding chairman of Danhua Capital, Zhang Shouyi, also attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Hitters, meanwhile, shared his understanding of the blockchain opportunities with attending guests during the roundtable session titled: “Born and Globalize: The China Opportunity for Blockchain.” Addressing these guests, Hitters pointed out: “In 2017, the proportion of women holding digital assets was 10%, and this year it has grown to about 17%.” He continued by calling for everyone to recognize and seize the opportunity in blockchain, and encouraged more participation by women in the field.

Nebulas shares DApp experiences at the Global Internet Architecture Conference in Shenzhen

On June 2, Beijing time, the Nebulas core development team travelled to Shenzhen to participate in the Global Internet Architecture Conference (GIAC), a major internet industry event in China.

GIAC showcases leading, cutting-edge technology innovations and R&D practices from the internet ecosystem in China, including the fields of protocol design, artificial intelligence, machine learning, engineering efficiency, blockchain, and distributed systems. Organization and leaders across these fields are invited to share their summaries of their year, and provide inspiration for one another’s future development.

Experts from Tencent, Baidu, Chain Home, U.S. Group, Youku,, Contempt Technology, and OFO attended the conference. In the conference’s dapp development stream, the Nebulas tech team introduced the new opportunities for DApp development to top Chinese developers, explaining the simplicity, efficiency and ease of developing dapps on the Nebulas blockchain. Nebulas also shared their own experiences with developing dapps on Nebulas.

Consensus Congress Hackers Marathon Winners Share DApp Development Experience at Nebula America Center

On the evening of May 29, US West Time, the weekly Tuesday Nebulas dev meetup was held at the NAS Center in San Francisco. Our community member Brandon and the winner of the Consensus hackathon Solomon talked about their DApp development experience.

Solomon shared his own story in blockchain, which began in 2014. During the Consensus hackathon, Solom teamed up PayPal’s chief data engineer, Amir, to build a multi-level prediction market DApp on Nebulas, winning the event’s top prize. Currently, Solomon is exploring creating a decentralized exchanged on the Nebulas ecosystem.

The event was also broadcast live, and the video is available here:

In addition to the weekly Tuesday evening dev meetups, the NAS Center in San Francisco will also open its office area every on Friday. Blockchain enthusiasts are welcome to interact with each other.

Meetup registration address:

LAST WEEK’S Top Commits

Mainnet Development Progress

Version 1.0.5 recently added a lot of optimization work, including smart contract lib upgrade, encryption library and uint library supported, full-featured Date supported, supports fetching the most recent 128-height block hash, supports querying account balance. And events will be recorded when transfer within contract fails.

Incentive Program

Dapp Store lunched

To facilitate the display and promotion of Nebula Dapps, we developed and launched the Dapp Store. Please come here to enjoy the popular Dapps. The link of Dapp Store is:


DApp debugging tool

In response to the strong demand of debugging tool, we integrated the NVM runtime environment into the neb.js, which can simulate the execution of smart contracts and facilitate the debugging of smart contracts. Please update neb.js and take a try.


Chrome extension Wallet “NasExtWallet” has been published to the Google Web Store for developers and Dapp users to install and use.

Nas Nano web site

The official website of Nas Nano is now online, users can download and install Nas Nano easily.

Multi-language SDK

In order to meet the needs of developers on different platforms, we developed PHP/Python/Android/iOS and other versions of the SDK, welcome to use and make valuable suggestions.

  • Android SDK, iOS SDK has been completed and released, and is still under revision according to community feedback.
  • The PHP SDK has been completed and is expected to be released soon.
  • The Python SDK is currently under testing and is expected to be released soon.


In order to make developers to communicate more effectively, we are applying to create the Nebulas site on StackExchange. At present, it is at the stage of collecting commitments. Welcome to join!


Updated question list

Learn more about Nebulas:

Official website:
Twitter: @nebulasio



Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.