Nebulas Weekly Report # 40

Published in
4 min readJul 30, 2018

Welcome to Nebulas Weekly Report #40, delivering the latest updates and developments on the Nebulas project. This report is maintained by the Nebulas team. Please send feedback to, or tweet us @nebulasio.

Last Week’s Dynamic Summary

Nebulas Incentive Program Season 1 Recap

On July 28, 2018, Nebulas team shared the statistics of Nebulas Incentive Program (NIP) with the community. In just 72 days, from May 7 to July 18, Nebulas mainnet went from 0 to 6871 DApps, nearly 4 times the amount of deployed DApps on Ethereum! During the program, Nebulas distributed more than 450,000 NAS to 1472 individuals. Apart from this data recap, we will later open access for individual prize winners to check their respective statistics. Please stay tuned! Learn more.

Nebulas Partners with Cocos

On July 24, Nebulas announced a partnership with Cocos, the world’s leading blockchain game engine. The collaboration between Nebulas and Cocos places major emphasis on community cooperation, technical cooperation and ecosystem development. Together, the two parties will tap into blockchain games and generate more profits. Learn more.

“Dine with Influencers” Winning Bidder Had Dinner with Nebulas Co-founder Aero Wang

Last Saturday, Nebulas co-founder & COO, Aero Wang, and Nebulas marketing director, Becky Lu, had dinner with the winning bidder of “Dine with Influencers”. During dinner, they exchanged ideas regarding issues of the investors’ concerns. This activity is an attempt by Nebulas to support China’s welfare undertakings through blockchain technology. All profits from this activity will be donated to a children-friendly charity project initiated by Nebulas founder and co-founders.

Nebulas Australian Community Held Meetup in Melbourne

On July 23, 2018, Australian local time, the Nebulas Australian community held a meetup at Blockchain Centre in Melbourne. The Nebulas Australian ambassador gave a detailed introduction of Nebulas, including Nebulas’ technical advantage as well as its future plan.

Nebulas Held Party in NAS Center Jointly with Redbank Fund

On July 27, 2018, (GMT -7), NAS Center held a party together with Redbank Fund. NAS Center would like to support blockchain developments in San Francisco and will continue hold more of such blockchain parties. Drinks, pastries, ideas — everyone is welcome to join us!

LAST WEEK’S Top Commits

Nebulas Mainnet Development

Last week, we released mainnet v1.0.7 and testnet v1.1.0. The v1.0.7 is to optimize consistency of time out transactions among different nodes. Meanwhile our testnet v1.1.0 introduces the exciting new feature of inter-contract call, which can support at most 3 levels of invocation (A->B->C). You’re welcomed to use and make valuable suggestions. Also we restructured the random generation logic and removed some API to enhance security. Learn more of inter-contract call.

For more about the adjustment of random API:

Ecological Tools

Last week we started to optimize our browser. As a comprehensive portal for Nebulas developers, the new browser will include the detailed information such as “What is Nebulas”, “Network Overview”, “Programs and Tools”, “Nebulas Whitepaper V2.0”, etc. Please stay tuned.

Multilingual SDK

In order to meet the needs of developers on different platforms, our JS/Java/PHP/Python/Android/iOS/.NET and other versions of SDK are officially released. Welcome to use and make valuable suggestions. Last week, we also updated Go SDK and NebPay to make them easier to use.


For more comprehensive FAQs.

About Nebulas

1. Value Ranking

To enable value discovery in blockchain, Nebulas Rank measures multidimensional data in the blockchain world and powers the decentralized search framework.

2. Self-evolution

To avoid the damage caused by forking to the blockchain, Nebulas Force enables rapid iteration and upgradability to its blockchain without the need for hard forks.

3. Native incentives

With forward-looking incentive and consensus mechanisms, the Nebulas Incentive rewards developers and users who contribute to the sustainability and growth of the ecosystem.

About the Nebula 1.0 Eagle Nebula Mainnet

The Nebula 1.0 Eagle Nebula mainnet has all the features of Ethereum and surpasses the second-generation blockchain in several ways:

· Nebulas is developer-friendly and supports the use of JavaScript to write smart contracts and DApps, making it easier for anyone to get started building in blockchain;

· Nebulas is the only blockchain that implements the world-renown LLVM compiler, features superior performance through concurrent technology, with a transaction processing capability of 2000TPS;

· Nebulas is more secure, stable, and has strong expandability. It also provides novel measures to invoke smart contracts and upgrade protocols.

Learn more about Nebulas:

Official website:



Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.