Nebulas will be attending the 2019 Paris Blockchain Week

Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2019

The week-long Paris Blockchain Week will officially begin in Paris on April 13th, 2019 and Nebulas will be in attendance. The Paris Blockchain Weekly Summit will feature 1,500 attendees and more than 100 speakers and is the perfect celebration of the tenth anniversary of Bitcoin and blockchain. Speakers from various blockchain projects and cryptocurrency organizations will gather here to discuss regulation, investment and technology.

On April 19th, Dr. Tang, a senior researcher of Nebulas has been invited to participate in the Paris Dauphine Blockchain Day organized by CHAIN ​​ACCELERATOR at Paris Dauphine University. At that time, Dr. Tang will give a presentation titled “Building ecosystems with positive incentives on-chain” in the Paris Dauphine Academic conference.

Paris Blockchain Week:Paris Blockchain Week is the biggest Blockchain & Digital Assets event in Europe. During one week in the City of Lights, numerous events will be held by the most prominent blockchain organizations.

Paris Dauphine Blockchain Day:The Paris Dauphine University will host a major event on blockchain and DLTs and its impact on various fields, from computer science to organization management and finance. Professors and researchers from all over the world are expected.

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Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.