nextDAO Voting Result Announcement

Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2021

At 3:00 pm, on July 10, 2021, Beijing time, the voting for the nextDAO upgrade had been completed. This proposal was to suspend the current NAX distribution method (dStaking) and was not passed by the Nebulas global community.

Voting status

The poll was open to all NAX and resulted in a total of 5,087,244 NAX votes being submitted.

The voting consisted of 2,233,171 NAX voted in favor of a full nextDAO upgrade, agreed to prepare for a nextDAO upgrade and suspend the current distribution model of NAX dStaking. In return, 2,854,073 NAX voted to maintain the existing method of generating NAX. As a result, the proposal failed because of a 56.1% opposition rate.

All users participating in the poll will automatically have tier NAX return within 3 business days; no additional action is required.

View poll results:

This result was a true community vote, and the community didn’t support the change to the NAX economy. As a result, the Nebulas team will not change the NAX’s economy, including the issuance mechanism as of now. However, we remain committed to upgrading nextDAO products.

The Future of nextDAO

nextDAO is a next generation proven platform with intelligent on-chain management and a one-stop platform focused on on-chain collaboration. By providing a range of tools, nextDAO can help solve a series of problems during the project start-up period. With this in mind, emerging projects can be helped to grow healthily while the interests of investors are better protected through the DAO mechanism to reduce investment risks.

The upgraded nextDAO plans to be an accelerator for blockchain projects, helping them innovate while providing guidance and support in product positioning, design, economy design, pre-established community, project incubation and more. We hope you look forward to the upcoming nextDAO roadmap and lite paper.

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Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.