Official Interpretation of Nebulas Super Contributor Incentive Program Implementation Details

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5 min readJun 13, 2018

On June 7, Beijing time, we announced that the Nebulas Incentive Program would be upgraded with Super Contributors, and we recently published our Super Contributor Implementation Details that describe how this incentive mechanism will work in more detail.

The Super Contributor incentive expands upon the previous referral component of the Incentive Program. Now, Nebulas is rewarding the top 20 accounts who invite the most people to register to the Nebulas ecosystem. These 20 accounts are known as Super Contributors. As a prize, they’ll share a 10,000 NAS reward, and receive voting privileges to help determine the best dapps for each week and month of the Incentive Program. Together with three representatives from the Nebulas team, the Super Contributors will form a 23-person judging panel to review the top three dapps submitted every Week and the top dapp submitted each month of the Nebulas Incentive Program.

The Super Contributor referral program started on June 10th, 2018, at midnight, Beijing time, and will last until July 7th, 2018, at 23:59. For a chance to become a Super Contributor, users can easily register for the Nebulas Incentive Program at and obtain a unique invitation code, and then invite others to register on Nebulas with this code.

Now into its fifth week, the Nebulas Incentive Program has been well-received by developers and community members. There are currently close to 3,000 dapps running on the Nebulas mainnet — the most of any blockchain in the world — and these dapps are of an increasingly higher quality.

The Nebulas mission is to build a sustainable, upgradable blockchain ecosystem that everyone can use to derive value from decentralized collaboration. This not only requires the participation of excellent dapp developers, but also a large number of people to use these dapps. This is why we have launched the Super Contributor program.

Everyday we are growing awareness about the Nebulas ecosystem and the amazing apps therein. We encourage Nebulas community leaders to continue to mobilize and attract people to our platform, and that industry media will shed light on the special story unfolding here.

Ultimately our goal is to increase understanding about the Nebulas ecosystem, and we can achieve this by encouraging greater collaboration and exchanges of perspectives across our diverse group of network participants.

We therefore encourage all community members, industry media, and other individuals and groups who share similar ideals with Nebulas to participate in the Super Contributor Program. Not only will Super Contributors receive NAS rewards, they’ll also be able to have a direct hand in managing the Nebulas ecosystem.

Super Contributor Reward Funding Source:

All rewards from the Nebulas Super Contributor Incentive Program will stem from the Nebulas Community Development Fund. The Nebulas Developer Incentive Fund remains solely directed towards developer incentive rewards.

Rewards of the Nebulas Super Contributor Program are divided primarily in two parts: 1) NAS rewards and 2) Dapp voting rights.

  1. NAS Rewards. Super Contributor Referral Rewards are awarded when a referrer invites someone to register for the Nebulas Incentive Program at using their unique unique invitation code, which can be obtained from the same website. Based on the Smart Airdrop function of Atlas Protocol (ATP), users can gain NAS after registration, and use all kinds of dapps on the Nebulas mainnet.
  2. Dapp voting rights. For each week and month of the Nebulas Incentive Program, a judging panel consisting of 20 Super Contributors and three members of the Nebulas team will select the award-winning dapps. This novel form of participation introduces the “proof of participation” procedure to the Nebulas blockchain, which is an early experiment towards implementing the blockchain’s “Proof of Devotion” consensus protocol. Moreover, involving Super Contributors in the decision-making process for determining the best dapps submitted to the Nebulas Incentive Program is a step forward in achieving a fully autonomous blockchain ecosystem run by the community.

Super Contributor Voting Methodology

Judging panel members will vote they dapps they like most by clicking on a voting button on official Nebulas website. They will then send NAS to the smart contract addresses published by Nebulas to submit their vote. 1 NAS is equivalent to 1 vote. Each judge can allocated up to 10,000 NAS to vote on a particular dapp. These NAS votes will be locked up for a temporary period until the voting process concludes, and then returned (in part) to the voters.

However, to mitigate cheating, not all of the NAS used to vote the top two-dapps each week will be returned to the judging panel. The first-placed dapp will return 90% of the NAS votes to the original sending addresses, and the second-placed app will return 95% of the NAS votes. The third-placed dapp will return 100% of NAS votes, and the remaining 20 dapps will return 105% of NAS votes.


The aim of the Nebulas Super Contributor Program is to introduce more users to the Nebulas ecosystem, and get more people to use Nebulas dapps. We’ve purposely left the Nebulas Super Contributor Program open for anyone to participate, to keep the barriers of referring new users as low as possible. The 20 accounts who invite the most people to Nebulas each week will become Super Contributors. Together, they’ll share a total prize pool of 10,000 NAS, and will also be able to vote on the best dapps in each week and month of the Nebulas Incentive Program.


1) All taxes relating to awards received under the Nebulas Incentive Program, if any, are the sole responsibility of participants. All rewards will be issued in the form of NAS coins. Neither Nebulas nor its affiliates will be liable for any fluctuations in the price of NAS caused by the market;

2) By participating in the super contribution referral program, each participant agrees that Nebulas is permitted to use its name, image and intellectual property rights for the marketing and promotion related to the program;

3) Nebulas reserves the right to disqualify any participants deemed to be in violation of any applicable laws or regulations or the incentive program rules, or if the participant is infringing on the rights of others;

4) Nebulas reserves the right to unilaterally adjust to the program rules such as the amount and nature of rewards, selection criteria, time of announcement of rewards, voting methods and DApp ranking algorithms;

5) Nebulas, its employees and their affiliates hereby disclaim all liability for any type of claims, damages, losses or damages arising out of this incentive program, including promotion events relating thereto;

6) Rewards that cannot be issued for any reason will be reserved by Nebulas for the development of the Nebulas ecosystem and community;

7) If you have any questions about this incentive program or disagree with the results, please contact

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Twitter: @nebulasio



Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.