Sharing the Nebulas Wisdom

Published in
4 min readNov 28, 2018

Nebulas recently joined the Public Chain Technology Alliance (PCTA) as one of its first partners. Hitters Xu (founder of Nebulas) and Aero Wang (co-founder of Nebulas) attended the press release conference of PCTA and gave insightful speeches, which garnered wide attention both inside and outside the blockchain industry.

Apart from the continuous breakthroughs in ecosystem development, Nebulas has also achieved significant results collaborating with universities. The Nebulas Research Institute has started a collaboration with the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICT), that will see the two jointly research blockchain distributed ledger technology.

The ICT is China’s first academic establishment to specialize in comprehensive research on computer science and technology. The Institute successfully built China’s first general-purpose digital computer and now has turned itself into an R&D base for high-performance computing technology. It is also the birthplace of China’s first general-purpose CPU chip.

With this, Nebulas has now reached cooperation with world-renown universities including Tsinghua University, Peking University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, The University of Aizu, Japan, and more. These universities will join Nebulas in a collaborative research effort on blockchain. This exchange of knowledge will see Nebulas gain from academia’s perspective, and universities from Nebulas’ industry experience.

More details on the collaborations and topics of research follow:

Tsinghua University + Nebulas: Mechanism Design Issues

Goal: The incentive mechanism is a core issue of the blockchain. Building a continuously improving blockchain ecosystem is inseparable from incentive mechanism innovation.

Team: Nebulas Research Institute is cooperating with Tsinghua University on the problem of Mechanism Design issues. The research topic could provide sustainable upgrading for Developer Incentive Program, one of the core feature of Nebulas, which is beneficial to benign Nebulas ecosystem. At the same time, many students from the university are working as full-time researchers or interns at Nebulas.

Peking University + Nebulas: Analysis of Trading Behavior of Digital Currency Investors

Goal: Explore the trading behaviors of Nebulas on-chain accounts, analyzing the pattern of information dissemination influencing trading behaviors and returns to investors. It provides theoretical support for the construction of an open and healthy trading market.

Team: The Guanghua School of Management — Blockchain Lab team aims to provide theoretical guidance and practical uses for the blockchain in existing industry; further studying and promoting the development of blockchain; the application of blockchain in finance; and the combination of blockchain and regulatory technology. The team member have published several papers in top international financial journals, such as Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies and Journal of Corporate Finance.

Huazhong University of Science and Technology + Nebulas: Analysis of Account Diversity in Blockchain

Goal: Focusing on data ecology in Nebulas, this partnership will help to understand the blockchain network more deeply and provide a foundation to introduce truly anonymous accounts.

Team: Huazhong University of Science and Technology is a research leader in distributed systems, large-scale complex networks and big data processing. It publishes papers in academic conferences and journals such as VLDB, ICS, TPDS, TKDE, and has helped implement related technologies for Southern Airlines and Light of Shenwei Taihu, a Chinese supercomputer. The university have published many high-quality academic papers about blockchains in ICDCS.

University of Aizu, Japan + Nebulas: Application Research of Nebulas

Goal: Explore the blockchain advertising marketing and P2P sales.

Team: The university of Aizu is Japan’s first research university focused on computer science and technology. It has achieved fruitful results in complex systems, distributed parallel processing, and network communication. They have published a large number of academic papers in academic conferences such as Infocom, ICDCS, TC, TPDS, etc., and won awards in the IEEE ComSoc Competition.

Currently, Dr. Peng Li, associate professor at University of Aizu, Japan has joined Nebulas as a visiting scholar.

These top universities and research institutes in China and other countries chose to collaborate with Nebulas because of the project’s strengths in technical research, and foresight in technological vision as a new generation public chain and Nebulas NOVA. Furthermore, many more academic institutions and projects will be also be partnering with Nebulas in the near future.

Scientific research takes time to achieve results. Thus, the research progress from these collaborations will be shared in time. Please stay tuned for our official announcement. Nebulas hopes to contribute its wisdom to the whole industry while achieving its technical vision. Together we change the world!

Learn more information about Nebulas Research Institute.

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Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.